SGOYT Aggregator
SGOYT Games By Publisher: Galakta
The following 120 games have appeared on the SGOYT and are listed under the Publisher 'Galakta'.
The Adventures of Robin Hood (2021)
(9 uniques)
An Age Contrived (2024)
(1 uniques)
Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (2020)
(1 uniques)
Android: Netrunner (2012)
(24 uniques)
Anno 1800 (2020)
(10 uniques)
Arkham Horror (2005)
(141 uniques)
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018)
(29 uniques)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
(362 uniques)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (2021)
(6 uniques)
The Battle of Five Armies (2014)
(5 uniques)
Battles of Westeros (2010)
(5 uniques)
Battlestar Galactica (2008)
(9 uniques)
Beowulf: The Movie Board Game (2007)
(2 uniques)
Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game (2011)
(5 uniques)
Blue Moon City (2006)
(6 uniques)
Blue Moon Legends (2014)
(3 uniques)
Catan (1995)
(3 uniques)
Catan Dice Game (2007)
(72 uniques)
Chaos in the Old World (2009)
(1 uniques)
Citadels (2000)
(15 uniques)
Citadels (2016)
(2 uniques)
Cold War: CIA vs KGB (2007)
(2 uniques)
Condottiere (1995)
(2 uniques)
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (2019)
(6 uniques)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
(102 uniques)
Dinosaur Island (2017)
(40 uniques)
Discover: Lands Unknown (2018)
(15 uniques)
DOOM: The Board Game (2016)
(10 uniques)
Dragonheart (2010)
(4 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert (2005)
(1 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin (2004)
(1 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Realm of the Ice Witch (2005)
(1 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
(13 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends (2003)
(3 uniques)
DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010)
(11 uniques)
Dust Tactics: Revised Core Set (2011)
(2 uniques)
Elder Sign (2011)
(338 uniques)
Eldritch Horror (2013)
(266 uniques)
Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (2022)
(15 uniques)
Epic Dungeoneer: Call of the Lich Lord (2006)
(1 uniques)
Exit: The Game – Dead Man on the Orient Express (2017)
(3 uniques)
EXIT: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin (2016)
(4 uniques)
Exit: The Game – The Forbidden Castle (2017)
(1 uniques)
Exit: The Game – The Forgotten Island (2017)
(1 uniques)
Exit: The Game – The Mysterious Museum (2018)
(1 uniques)
Exit: The Game – The Pharaoh's Tomb (2016)
(2 uniques)
Exit: The Game – The Polar Station (2017)
(1 uniques)
EXIT: The Game – The Secret Lab (2016)
(1 uniques)
Fall of the Mountain King (2022)
(1 uniques)
Fallout (2017)
(90 uniques)
Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan (2024)
(5 uniques)
Forbidden Stars (2015)
(2 uniques)
Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015)
(2 uniques)
A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King (2016)
(1 uniques)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)
(2 uniques)
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) (2015)
(3 uniques)
Gears of War: The Board Game (2011)
(257 uniques)
Imhotep (2016)
(2 uniques)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
(3 uniques)
Justice League: Hero Dice – Batman (2015)
(7 uniques)
Justice League: Hero Dice – Superman (2015)
(8 uniques)
Keltis (2008)
(1 uniques)
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (2017)
(4 uniques)
Legends of Andor (2012)
(114 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
(761 uniques)
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (2002)
(4 uniques)
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) (2005)
(1 uniques)
Lost Cities (1999)
(3 uniques)
Mansions of Madness (2011)
(5 uniques)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
(97 uniques)
Masters of the Night (2021)
(2 uniques)
My City (2020)
(2 uniques)
My Farm Shop (2020)
(1 uniques)
Mysthea (2019)
(1 uniques)
Mythwind (2023)
(9 uniques)
New Angeles (2016)
(2 uniques)
Nidavellir (2020)
(1 uniques)
Oltréé (2021)
(6 uniques)
The Pillars of the Earth (2006)
(2 uniques)
Red November (2008)
(20 uniques)
Relic (2013)
(16 uniques)
Run Run Run! (2021)
(1 uniques)
Rune Age (2011)
(37 uniques)
Runebound (Second Edition) (2005)
(50 uniques)
Runebound (Third Edition) (2015)
(116 uniques)
Runewars (2010)
(2 uniques)
Samurai (1998)
(5 uniques)
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn (2017)
(25 uniques)
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game (2010)
(7 uniques)
Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (2010)
(399 uniques)
Star Wars: Armada (2015)
(10 uniques)
Star Wars: Destiny (2016)
(13 uniques)
Star Wars: Destiny – Two-Player Game (2017)
(2 uniques)
Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion (2014)
(1 uniques)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
(66 uniques)
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
(13 uniques)
Star Wars: The Card Game (2012)
(51 uniques)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
(47 uniques)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set (2015)
(6 uniques)
The Struggle for Catan (2011)
(2 uniques)
Switch & Signal (2020)
(1 uniques)
Sword & Sorcery (2017)
(54 uniques)
Talisman (Revised 4th Edition) (2007)
(12 uniques)
Talisman: Batman – Super-Villains Edition (2019)
(1 uniques)
Targi (2012)
(15 uniques)
The Thing: The Boardgame (2022)
(6 uniques)
This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017)
(132 uniques)
Tiny Epic Cthulhu (2024)
(2 uniques)
Tiny Epic Vikings (2023)
(2 uniques)
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
(34 uniques)
War of the Ring: The Card Game (2022)
(7 uniques)
Warhammer 40,000: Conquest (2014)
(23 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015)
(149 uniques)
Warhammer: Diskwars (2013)
(4 uniques)
Warhammer: Invasion (2009)
(6 uniques)
Waste Knights: Second Edition (2020)
(18 uniques)
Wild: Serengeti (2022)
(3 uniques)
Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004)
(2 uniques)
XCOM: The Board Game (2015)
(22 uniques)
Zombie Terror (2016)
(1 uniques)
By Unique Entry Count
761 -
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
399 -
Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (2010)
362 -
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
338 -
Elder Sign (2011)
266 -
Eldritch Horror (2013)
257 -
Gears of War: The Board Game (2011)
149 -
Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015)
141 -
Arkham Horror (2005)
132 -
This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017)
116 -
Runebound (Third Edition) (2015)
114 -
Legends of Andor (2012)
102 -
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
97 -
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
90 -
Fallout (2017)
72 -
Catan Dice Game (2007)
66 -
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
54 -
Sword & Sorcery (2017)
51 -
Star Wars: The Card Game (2012)
50 -
Runebound (Second Edition) (2005)
47 -
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
40 -
Dinosaur Island (2017)
37 -
Rune Age (2011)
34 -
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
29 -
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018)
25 -
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn (2017)
24 -
Android: Netrunner (2012)
23 -
Warhammer 40,000: Conquest (2014)
22 -
XCOM: The Board Game (2015)
20 -
Red November (2008)
18 -
Waste Knights: Second Edition (2020)
16 -
Relic (2013)
15 -
Citadels (2000)
15 -
Discover: Lands Unknown (2018)
15 -
Endless Winter: Paleoamericans (2022)
15 -
Targi (2012)
13 -
Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
13 -
Star Wars: Destiny (2016)
13 -
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
12 -
Talisman (Revised 4th Edition) (2007)
11 -
DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010)
10 -
Anno 1800 (2020)
10 -
DOOM: The Board Game (2016)
10 -
Star Wars: Armada (2015)
9 -
The Adventures of Robin Hood (2021)
9 -
Battlestar Galactica (2008)
9 -
Mythwind (2023)
8 -
Justice League: Hero Dice – Superman (2015)
7 -
Justice League: Hero Dice – Batman (2015)
7 -
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game (2010)
7 -
War of the Ring: The Card Game (2022)
6 -
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (2021)
6 -
Blue Moon City (2006)
6 -
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (2019)
6 -
Oltréé (2021)
6 -
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set (2015)
6 -
The Thing: The Boardgame (2022)
6 -
Warhammer: Invasion (2009)
5 -
The Battle of Five Armies (2014)
5 -
Battles of Westeros (2010)
5 -
Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game (2011)
5 -
Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan (2024)
5 -
Mansions of Madness (2011)
5 -
Samurai (1998)
4 -
Dragonheart (2010)
4 -
EXIT: The Game – The Abandoned Cabin (2016)
4 -
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game (2017)
4 -
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (2002)
4 -
Warhammer: Diskwars (2013)
3 -
Blue Moon Legends (2014)
3 -
Catan (1995)
3 -
Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends (2003)
3 -
Exit: The Game – Dead Man on the Orient Express (2017)
3 -
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) (2015)
3 -
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
3 -
Lost Cities (1999)
3 -
Wild: Serengeti (2022)
2 -
Beowulf: The Movie Board Game (2007)
2 -
Citadels (2016)
2 -
Cold War: CIA vs KGB (2007)
2 -
Condottiere (1995)
2 -
Dust Tactics: Revised Core Set (2011)
2 -
Exit: The Game – The Pharaoh's Tomb (2016)
2 -
Forbidden Stars (2015)
2 -
Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015)
2 -
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)
2 -
Imhotep (2016)
2 -
Masters of the Night (2021)
2 -
My City (2020)
2 -
New Angeles (2016)
2 -
The Pillars of the Earth (2006)
2 -
Runewars (2010)
2 -
Star Wars: Destiny – Two-Player Game (2017)
2 -
The Struggle for Catan (2011)
2 -
Tiny Epic Cthulhu (2024)
2 -
Tiny Epic Vikings (2023)
2 -
Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004)
1 -
An Age Contrived (2024)
1 -
Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (2020)
1 -
Chaos in the Old World (2009)
1 -
Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert (2005)
1 -
Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin (2004)
1 -
Dungeoneer: Realm of the Ice Witch (2005)
1 -
Epic Dungeoneer: Call of the Lich Lord (2006)
1 -
Exit: The Game – The Forbidden Castle (2017)
1 -
Exit: The Game – The Forgotten Island (2017)
1 -
Exit: The Game – The Mysterious Museum (2018)
1 -
Exit: The Game – The Polar Station (2017)
1 -
EXIT: The Game – The Secret Lab (2016)
1 -
Fall of the Mountain King (2022)
1 -
A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King (2016)
1 -
Keltis (2008)
1 -
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) (2005)
1 -
My Farm Shop (2020)
1 -
Mysthea (2019)
1 -
Nidavellir (2020)
1 -
Run Run Run! (2021)
1 -
Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion (2014)
1 -
Switch & Signal (2020)
1 -
Talisman: Batman – Super-Villains Edition (2019)
1 -
Zombie Terror (2016)