SGOYT Games By Publisher: Galápagos Jogos
The following 130 games have appeared on the SGOYT and are listed under the Publisher 'Galápagos Jogos'.
7 Wonders (2010) (15 uniques)
7 Wonders: Duel (2015) (79 uniques)
Abyss (2014) (1 uniques)
Arcadia Quest (2014) (6 uniques)
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018) (29 uniques)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (2021) (6 uniques)
Attack on Titan: The Last Stand (2017) (1 uniques)
Azul (2017) (54 uniques)
Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (2018) (2 uniques)
Azul: Summer Pavilion (2019) (1 uniques)
BANG! The Dice Game (2013) (4 uniques)
Barrage (2019) (30 uniques)
Blood Rage (2015) (4 uniques)
Blue Moon City (2006) (6 uniques)
Bruxelles 1897 (2019) (2 uniques)
Chronicles of Crime (2018) (14 uniques)
Citadels (2000) (15 uniques)
Citadels (2016) (2 uniques)
Coimbra (2018) (8 uniques)
Concept (2013) (1 uniques)
Cry Havoc (2016) (2 uniques)
Cyclades (2009) (2 uniques)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) (19 uniques)
Dead of Winter: The Long Night (2016) (2 uniques)
Descent: Legends of the Dark (2021) (17 uniques)
Distilled (2023) (1 uniques)
Dixit (2008) (1 uniques)
Dragon Castle (2017) (10 uniques)
Dream Home (2016) (4 uniques)
Dungeon Fighter (2011) (1 uniques)
Dungeon Roll (2013) (109 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad Mage (2019) (3 uniques)
Elder Sign (2011) (244 uniques)
Eldritch Horror (2013) (266 uniques)
Era: Medieval Age (2019) (6 uniques)
Ex Libris (2017) (27 uniques)
Five Tribes (2014) (28 uniques)
Flick 'em Up! (2015) (1 uniques)
Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015) (2 uniques)
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011) (2 uniques)
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008) (4 uniques)
Get Packing (2018) (1 uniques)
Gizmos (2018) (2 uniques)
Gloomhaven (2017) (279 uniques)
God of War: The Card Game (2019) (6 uniques)
The Godfather: Corleone's Empire (2017) (1 uniques)
Great Western Trail (Second Edition) (2021) (1 uniques)
The Grizzled: Armistice Edition (2018) (1 uniques)
Hanabi (2010) (2 uniques)
Hellboy: The Board Game (2019) (22 uniques)
History of the World (2018) (2 uniques)
It's a Wonderful World (2019) (90 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Jamaica (2007) (3 uniques)
Kemet (2012) (2 uniques)
KeyForge: Call of the Archons (2018) (5 uniques)
Kick-Ass: The Board Game (2018) (4 uniques)
King of Tokyo (2011) (4 uniques)
Krosmaster Arena 2.0 (2016) (2 uniques)
Krosmaster: Arena (2012) (17 uniques)
Loony Quest (2015) (1 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-earth (2024) (1 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019) (66 uniques) Thumbs Up!
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) (626 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) (2005) (1 uniques)
Love Letter (2012) (4 uniques)
Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition (2018) (99 uniques)
Maharaja (2021) (1 uniques)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) (98 uniques)
Mariposas (2020) (1 uniques)
Mice and Mystics (2012) (53 uniques)
Monster Chase (2009) (1 uniques)
Munchkin (2001) (2 uniques)
Munchkin Cthulhu (2007) (1 uniques)
Munchkin Panic (2014) (1 uniques)
Nemesis (2018) (56 uniques)
Otys (2017) (11 uniques)
Pandemic (2008) (186 uniques)
Pandemic: Hot Zone – Europe (2021) (1 uniques)
Pandemic: Rapid Response (2019) (6 uniques)
Power Grid (2004) (13 uniques)
Project L (2020) (21 uniques)
Quarriors! (2011) (2 uniques)
Race for the Galaxy (2007) (276 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition (2018) (41 uniques)
Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition (2018) (51 uniques)
Reef (2018) (1 uniques)
Reykholt (2018) (18 uniques)
Rising Sun (2018) (5 uniques)
Sagrada (2017) (124 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Santorini (2016) (1 uniques)
Say Bye to the Villains (2012) (1 uniques)
SeaFall (2016) (11 uniques)
Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn (2017) (23 uniques)
Small World (2009) (4 uniques)
Smash Up (2012) (1 uniques)
Splendor (2014) (29 uniques)
Splendor Duel (2022) (1 uniques)
Spot it Jr.! Animals (2012) (1 uniques)
Spot it! (2009) (2 uniques)
Star Wars: Destiny – Two-Player Game (2017) (2 uniques)
Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion (2014) (1 uniques)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014) (61 uniques)
Star Wars: Outer Rim (2019) (57 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Star Wars: Rebellion (2016) (13 uniques)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012) (47 uniques)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set (2015) (6 uniques)
Summoner Wars (2009) (2 uniques)
Takenoko (2011) (18 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance (2018) (43 uniques)
This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017) (130 uniques)
Ticket to Ride (2004) (19 uniques)
Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary (2014) (2 uniques)
Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005) (9 uniques)
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007) (6 uniques)
Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails (2016) (1 uniques)
Tigris & Euphrates (1997) (2 uniques)
Timeline: Diversity (2012) (3 uniques)
Timeline: Events (2011) (3 uniques)
Timeline: Inventions (2010) (5 uniques)
Tokaido (2012) (10 uniques)
UBOOT: The Board Game (2019) (7 uniques)
Wettlauf nach El Dorado (2017) (6 uniques)
XCOM: The Board Game (2015) (22 uniques)
Zombicide (2012) (69 uniques)
Zombicide Season 2: Prison Outbreak (2013) (10 uniques)
Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue (2015) (2 uniques)
Zombicide: Black Plague (2015) (82 uniques)
Zombicide: Green Horde (2018) (3 uniques)
Zombicide: Invader (2019) (8 uniques)
Zombie Dice (2010) (34 uniques)
By Unique Entry Count
626 - The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) Thumbs Up!
279 - Gloomhaven (2017)
276 - Race for the Galaxy (2007) Thumbs Up!
266 - Eldritch Horror (2013)
244 - Elder Sign (2011)
186 - Pandemic (2008)
130 - This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017)
124 - Sagrada (2017) Thumbs Up!
109 - Dungeon Roll (2013)
99 - Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition (2018)
98 - Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
90 - It's a Wonderful World (2019) Thumbs Up!
82 - Zombicide: Black Plague (2015)
79 - 7 Wonders: Duel (2015)
69 - Zombicide (2012)
66 - The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019) Thumbs Up!
61 - Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
57 - Star Wars: Outer Rim (2019) Thumbs Up!
56 - Nemesis (2018)
54 - Azul (2017)
53 - Mice and Mystics (2012)
51 - Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition (2018)
47 - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (2012)
43 - Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance (2018)
41 - Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition (2018)
34 - Zombie Dice (2010)
30 - Barrage (2019)
29 - Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018)
29 - Splendor (2014)
28 - Five Tribes (2014)
27 - Ex Libris (2017)
23 - Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn (2017)
22 - Hellboy: The Board Game (2019)
22 - XCOM: The Board Game (2015)
21 - Project L (2020)
19 - Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
19 - Ticket to Ride (2004)
18 - Reykholt (2018)
18 - Takenoko (2011) Thumbs Up!
17 - Descent: Legends of the Dark (2021)
17 - Krosmaster: Arena (2012)
15 - 7 Wonders (2010)
15 - Citadels (2000)
14 - Chronicles of Crime (2018)
13 - Power Grid (2004)
13 - Star Wars: Rebellion (2016)
11 - Otys (2017)
11 - SeaFall (2016)
10 - Dragon Castle (2017)
10 - Tokaido (2012)
10 - Zombicide Season 2: Prison Outbreak (2013)
9 - Ticket to Ride: Europe (2005)
8 - Coimbra (2018)
8 - Zombicide: Invader (2019)
7 - UBOOT: The Board Game (2019)
6 - Arcadia Quest (2014)
6 - Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (2021)
6 - Blue Moon City (2006)
6 - Era: Medieval Age (2019)
6 - God of War: The Card Game (2019)
6 - Pandemic: Rapid Response (2019)
6 - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set (2015)
6 - Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries (2007)
6 - Wettlauf nach El Dorado (2017)
5 - KeyForge: Call of the Archons (2018)
5 - Rising Sun (2018)
5 - Timeline: Inventions (2010)
4 - BANG! The Dice Game (2013)
4 - Blood Rage (2015)
4 - Dream Home (2016)
4 - A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (2008)
4 - Kick-Ass: The Board Game (2018)
4 - King of Tokyo (2011)
4 - Love Letter (2012)
4 - Small World (2009)
3 - Dungeons & Dragons: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad Mage (2019)
3 - Jamaica (2007)
3 - Timeline: Diversity (2012)
3 - Timeline: Events (2011)
3 - Zombicide: Green Horde (2018)
2 - Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra (2018)
2 - Bruxelles 1897 (2019)
2 - Citadels (2016)
2 - Cry Havoc (2016)
2 - Cyclades (2009)
2 - Dead of Winter: The Long Night (2016)
2 - Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015)
2 - A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) (2011)
2 - Gizmos (2018)
2 - Hanabi (2010)
2 - History of the World (2018)
2 - Kemet (2012)
2 - Krosmaster Arena 2.0 (2016)
2 - Munchkin (2001)
2 - Quarriors! (2011)
2 - Spot it! (2009)
2 - Star Wars: Destiny – Two-Player Game (2017)
2 - Summoner Wars (2009)
2 - Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary (2014)
2 - Tigris & Euphrates (1997)
2 - Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue (2015)
1 - Abyss (2014)
1 - Attack on Titan: The Last Stand (2017)
1 - Azul: Summer Pavilion (2019)
1 - Concept (2013)
1 - Distilled (2023)
1 - Dixit (2008)
1 - Dungeon Fighter (2011)
1 - Flick 'em Up! (2015)
1 - Get Packing (2018)
1 - The Godfather: Corleone's Empire (2017)
1 - Great Western Trail (Second Edition) (2021)
1 - The Grizzled: Armistice Edition (2018)
1 - Loony Quest (2015)
1 - The Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-earth (2024)
1 - Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) (2005)
1 - Maharaja (2021)
1 - Mariposas (2020)
1 - Monster Chase (2009)
1 - Munchkin Cthulhu (2007)
1 - Munchkin Panic (2014)
1 - Pandemic: Hot Zone – Europe (2021)
1 - Reef (2018)
1 - Santorini (2016)
1 - Say Bye to the Villains (2012)
1 - Smash Up (2012)
1 - Splendor Duel (2022)
1 - Spot it Jr.! Animals (2012)
1 - Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion (2014)
1 - Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails (2016)