SGOYT Games By Publisher: Arclight
The following 145 games have appeared on the SGOYT and are listed under the Publisher 'Arclight'.
10' to Kill (2015) (1 uniques)
504 (2015) (2 uniques)
Above and Below (2015) (4 uniques)
Aeon's End (2016) (187 uniques)
Age of Steam (2002) (9 uniques)
Age of War (2014) (19 uniques)
Alchemists (2014) (2 uniques)
Altiplano (2017) (2 uniques)
Android: Netrunner (2012) (24 uniques)
AquaSphere (2014) (5 uniques)
Arkham Horror (2005) (122 uniques)
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018) (26 uniques)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016) (304 uniques)
Arkham Noir: Case #1 – The Witch Cult Murders (2017) (44 uniques)
Ascension: Deckbuilding Game (2010) (26 uniques)
Ascension: Return of the Fallen (2011) (9 uniques)
Ascension: Storm of Souls (2011) (8 uniques)
Balloon Pop! (2017) (6 uniques)
Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2018) (1 uniques)
Between Two Cities (2015) (44 uniques)
Blackout: Hong Kong (2018) (45 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Blood Rage (2015) (4 uniques)
Brass: Birmingham (2018) (17 uniques)
Broom Service (2015) (1 uniques)
Bruges (2013) (6 uniques)
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008) (12 uniques)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014) (36 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Cat Lady (2017) (4 uniques)
Century: Eastern Wonders (2018) (3 uniques)
Century: Spice Road (2017) (9 uniques)
Citadels (2000) (15 uniques)
Copycat (2012) (1 uniques)
Cthulhu Realms (2015) (9 uniques)
Cthulhu Wars (2015) (2 uniques)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014) (19 uniques)
Dead of Winter: The Long Night (2016) (2 uniques)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005) (2 uniques)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012) (88 uniques)
Die Befreiung der Rietburg (2019) (8 uniques)
Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg (2018) (9 uniques)
Die Tavernen im Tiefen Thal (2019) (10 uniques)
Discover: Lands Unknown (2018) (15 uniques)
Dive (2021) (1 uniques)
DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010) (11 uniques)
DungeonQuest Revised Edition (2014) (42 uniques)
Ecos: First Continent (2019) (1 uniques)
El Alamein (2010) (2 uniques)
Elder Sign (2011) (261 uniques)
Eldritch Horror (2013) (261 uniques)
Eminent Domain (2011) (9 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Everdell (2018) (76 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Evolution (2014) (5 uniques)
Fabled Fruit (2016) (1 uniques)
Famiglia (2010) (4 uniques)
Fast Forward: FLEE (2017) (9 uniques)
Felix: The Cat in the Sack (2007) (1 uniques)
Fine Sand (2018) (1 uniques)
Fire! (2019) (10 uniques)
First Class: Unterwegs im Orient Express (2016) (18 uniques)
A Fistful of Penguins (2011) (4 uniques)
Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (2017) (1 uniques)
Forbidden Island (2010) (174 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Fresco (2010) (1 uniques)
Friday (2011) (783 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Fünf Gurken (2013) (1 uniques)
Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015) (2 uniques)
The Game: Extreme (2016) (4 uniques)
The Game: lange du kannst! (2015) (116 uniques)
Ganz schön clever (2018) (178 uniques)
Great Western Trail (2016) (22 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Guildhall (2012) (4 uniques)
Hadara (2019) (2 uniques)
Harbour (2015) (85 uniques)
Heaven & Ale (2017) (2 uniques)
Hey, That's My Fish! (2003) (2 uniques)
Historia (2014) (36 uniques)
Imhotep (2016) (2 uniques)
Imperial Settlers (2014) (258 uniques)
Incan Gold (2006) (1 uniques)
Infiltration (2012) (11 uniques)
La Granja (2014) (94 uniques)
Last Aurora (2020) (7 uniques)
Last Will (2011) (3 uniques)
Legends of Andor (2012) (123 uniques)
Lords of Scotland (2010) (1 uniques)
Love Letter (2012) (4 uniques)
Lovecraft Letter (2017) (2 uniques)
Majesty: For the Realm (2017) (1 uniques)
Mansions of Madness (2011) (5 uniques)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016) (96 uniques)
Mariposas (2020) (1 uniques)
Menara (2018) (12 uniques)
Merchant of Venus (second edition) (2012) (32 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Mombasa (2015) (5 uniques)
Munchkin (2001) (2 uniques)
Munchkin Cthulhu (2007) (1 uniques)
My Little Scythe (2017) (20 uniques)
Mystic Vale (2016) (12 uniques)
New York Slice (2017) (1 uniques)
Orléans (2014) (31 uniques)
Outlive (2017) (7 uniques)
Panamax (2014) (8 uniques)
Parade (2007) (2 uniques)
Patchistory (2013) (3 uniques)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (2013) (251 uniques)
Planet (2018) (2 uniques)
Power Grid (2004) (20 uniques)
Prehistory (2018) (21 uniques)
Professor Evil and The Citadel of Time (2017) (1 uniques)
Quarriors! (2011) (2 uniques)
Qwinto (2015) (1 uniques)
Red November (2008) (20 uniques)
Reef (2018) (1 uniques)
Reykholt (2018) (18 uniques)
Rising Sun (2018) (5 uniques)
Rococo (2013) (4 uniques)
Roll Player (2016) (273 uniques)
Rolling World (2015) (1 uniques)
Run, Fight, or Die! (2014) (87 uniques)
Rune Age (2011) (37 uniques)
Runebound (Second Edition) (2005) (46 uniques)
Runebound (Third Edition) (2015) (104 uniques)
Scarabya (2018) (1 uniques)
Scythe (2016) (511 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Shoot Out (1995) (2 uniques)
Smash Up (2012) (1 uniques)
Space Base (2018) (5 uniques)
A Study in Emerald (second edition) (2015) (1 uniques)
Suburbia (2012) (87 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Sword Art Online Board Game: Sword of Fellows (2017) (3 uniques)
Take it Easy! (1983) (3 uniques)
Tanto Cuore (2009) (1 uniques)
Tapestry (2019) (70 uniques)
Terraforming Mars (2016) (575 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Thebes (2007) (3 uniques)
Thunderstone (2009) (19 uniques)
Thunderstone: Dragonspire (2011) (1 uniques)
Treasure Hunter (2015) (2 uniques)
Viticulture (2013) (39 uniques)
Viticulture Essential Edition (2015) (261 uniques) Thumbs Up!
The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015) (6 uniques)
Wingspan (2019) (298 uniques) Thumbs Up!
The Witcher Adventure Game (2014) (12 uniques)
Yukon Airways (2019) (8 uniques)
Zombicide: Black Plague (2015) (81 uniques)
By Unique Entry Count
783 - Friday (2011) Thumbs Up!
575 - Terraforming Mars (2016) Thumbs Up!
511 - Scythe (2016) Thumbs Up!
304 - Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
298 - Wingspan (2019) Thumbs Up!
273 - Roll Player (2016)
261 - Elder Sign (2011)
261 - Eldritch Horror (2013)
261 - Viticulture Essential Edition (2015) Thumbs Up!
258 - Imperial Settlers (2014)
251 - Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (2013)
187 - Aeon's End (2016)
178 - Ganz schön clever (2018)
174 - Forbidden Island (2010) Thumbs Up!
123 - Legends of Andor (2012)
122 - Arkham Horror (2005)
116 - The Game: lange du kannst! (2015)
104 - Runebound (Third Edition) (2015)
96 - Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
94 - La Granja (2014)
88 - Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
87 - Run, Fight, or Die! (2014)
87 - Suburbia (2012) Thumbs Up!
85 - Harbour (2015)
81 - Zombicide: Black Plague (2015)
76 - Everdell (2018) Thumbs Up!
70 - Tapestry (2019)
46 - Runebound (Second Edition) (2005)
45 - Blackout: Hong Kong (2018) Thumbs Up!
44 - Arkham Noir: Case #1 – The Witch Cult Murders (2017)
44 - Between Two Cities (2015)
42 - DungeonQuest Revised Edition (2014)
39 - Viticulture (2013)
37 - Rune Age (2011)
36 - Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2014) Thumbs Up!
36 - Historia (2014)
32 - Merchant of Venus (second edition) (2012) Thumbs Up!
31 - Orléans (2014)
26 - Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018)
26 - Ascension: Deckbuilding Game (2010)
24 - Android: Netrunner (2012)
22 - Great Western Trail (2016) Thumbs Up!
21 - Prehistory (2018)
20 - My Little Scythe (2017)
20 - Power Grid (2004)
20 - Red November (2008)
19 - Age of War (2014)
19 - Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (2014)
19 - Thunderstone (2009)
18 - First Class: Unterwegs im Orient Express (2016)
18 - Reykholt (2018)
17 - Brass: Birmingham (2018)
15 - Citadels (2000)
15 - Discover: Lands Unknown (2018)
12 - Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008)
12 - Menara (2018)
12 - Mystic Vale (2016)
12 - The Witcher Adventure Game (2014)
11 - DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010)
11 - Infiltration (2012)
10 - Die Tavernen im Tiefen Thal (2019)
10 - Fire! (2019)
9 - Age of Steam (2002)
9 - Ascension: Return of the Fallen (2011)
9 - Century: Spice Road (2017)
9 - Cthulhu Realms (2015)
9 - Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg (2018)
9 - Eminent Domain (2011) Thumbs Up!
9 - Fast Forward: FLEE (2017)
8 - Ascension: Storm of Souls (2011)
8 - Die Befreiung der Rietburg (2019)
8 - Panamax (2014)
8 - Yukon Airways (2019)
7 - Last Aurora (2020)
7 - Outlive (2017)
6 - Balloon Pop! (2017)
6 - Bruges (2013)
6 - The Voyages of Marco Polo (2015)
5 - AquaSphere (2014)
5 - Evolution (2014)
5 - Mansions of Madness (2011)
5 - Mombasa (2015)
5 - Rising Sun (2018)
5 - Space Base (2018)
4 - Above and Below (2015)
4 - Blood Rage (2015)
4 - Cat Lady (2017)
4 - Famiglia (2010)
4 - A Fistful of Penguins (2011)
4 - The Game: Extreme (2016)
4 - Guildhall (2012)
4 - Love Letter (2012)
4 - Rococo (2013)
3 - Century: Eastern Wonders (2018)
3 - Last Will (2011)
3 - Patchistory (2013)
3 - Sword Art Online Board Game: Sword of Fellows (2017)
3 - Take it Easy! (1983)
3 - Thebes (2007)
2 - 504 (2015)
2 - Alchemists (2014)
2 - Altiplano (2017)
2 - Cthulhu Wars (2015)
2 - Dead of Winter: The Long Night (2016)
2 - Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005)
2 - El Alamein (2010)
2 - Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015)
2 - Hadara (2019)
2 - Heaven & Ale (2017)
2 - Hey, That's My Fish! (2003)
2 - Imhotep (2016)
2 - Lovecraft Letter (2017)
2 - Munchkin (2001)
2 - Parade (2007)
2 - Planet (2018)
2 - Quarriors! (2011)
2 - Shoot Out (1995)
2 - Treasure Hunter (2015)
1 - 10' to Kill (2015)
1 - Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig (2018)
1 - Broom Service (2015)
1 - Copycat (2012)
1 - Dive (2021)
1 - Ecos: First Continent (2019)
1 - Fabled Fruit (2016)
1 - Felix: The Cat in the Sack (2007)
1 - Fine Sand (2018)
1 - Flick 'em Up!: Dead of Winter (2017)
1 - Fresco (2010)
1 - Fünf Gurken (2013)
1 - Incan Gold (2006)
1 - Lords of Scotland (2010)
1 - Majesty: For the Realm (2017)
1 - Mariposas (2020)
1 - Munchkin Cthulhu (2007)
1 - New York Slice (2017)
1 - Professor Evil and The Citadel of Time (2017)
1 - Qwinto (2015)
1 - Reef (2018)
1 - Rolling World (2015)
1 - Scarabya (2018)
1 - Smash Up (2012)
1 - A Study in Emerald (second edition) (2015)
1 - Tanto Cuore (2009)
1 - Thunderstone: Dragonspire (2011)