SGOYT Aggregator
SGOYT Games By Category: Adventure
The following 841 games have appeared on the SGOYT and are listed under the Category 'Adventure'.
007 James Bond: The Man with the Golden Gun (1985)
(1 uniques)
11th Hour Dungeon (2019)
(1 uniques)
12 Realms (2010)
(3 uniques)
21 Days (2017)
(1 uniques)
4XL (0)
(2 uniques)
6x6 TALES (2020)
(4 uniques)
7 Moons: Heroes of Dragon Reach (2021)
(1 uniques)
The 7th Citadel (2024)
(14 uniques)
The 7th Continent (2017)
(177 uniques)
The 7th Continent: Classic Edition (2019)
(13 uniques)
8 Bit Attack (2019)
(2 uniques)
A.D.E.L.E. (2021)
(1 uniques)
A4 Quest (2017)
(21 uniques)
Above and Below (2015)
(4 uniques)
Aces of Valor: Aerial Combat during WWI (2014)
(3 uniques)
Advanced Heroquest (1989)
(2 uniques)
AdvanceQuest: Among I, The Fungi (2021)
(2 uniques)
AdvanceQuest: An Abduction in Darkhill (2022)
(1 uniques)
AdvanceQuest: Chaos in the Chasm (2022)
(1 uniques)
AdvanceQuest: The New Hill (2022)
(1 uniques)
Adventure Games: Im Nebelreich (2021)
(2 uniques)
Adventure of D (2010)
(28 uniques)
Adventure of D (Second Edition) (2020)
(19 uniques)
Adventure Tactics: Domianne's Tower (2021)
(12 uniques)
The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus (2011)
(2 uniques)
The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac (2009)
(2 uniques)
Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (2022)
(44 uniques)
Aether Captains: Clockwork Cabal (2011)
(44 uniques)
Aether Captains: Pirates and Traders (2011)
(9 uniques)
Aethermon: Collect (2023)
(1 uniques)
Africana (2012)
(1 uniques)
Aftermath (2020)
(1 uniques)
Aftermath (2019)
(6 uniques)
Agemonia (2023)
(5 uniques)
Agents of Adventure (2022)
(7 uniques)
Agents of SMERSH (2012)
(36 uniques)
Agents of SMERSH: Epic Edition (2022)
(4 uniques)
Airships: North Pole Quest (2021)
(2 uniques)
Albion's Legacy (2015)
(18 uniques)
Alchemical Crystal Quest (second edition) (2017)
(1 uniques)
Alexandria (2017)
(2 uniques)
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland (2015)
(1 uniques)
Alone Against Fear (2020)
(3 uniques)
Altar Quest (2020)
(30 uniques)
Amulet (2023)
(1 uniques)
And a Bottle of Rum (2015)
(1 uniques)
Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (2020)
(1 uniques)
Apocrypha Adventure Card Game (2017)
(32 uniques)
Arcadia Quest (2014)
(6 uniques)
Arcane Guardian (2019)
(2 uniques)
Archaeology: The Card Game (2007)
(2 uniques)
Arena: The Contest (2019)
(41 uniques)
Argonauts (2015)
(18 uniques)
Arkeis (2023)
(4 uniques)
Arkenshield: The Gates of Thy´an (2020)
(2 uniques)
Arkham Horror (2005)
(141 uniques)
Arkham Horror (1987)
(1 uniques)
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018)
(29 uniques)
Arkham Horror: Final Hour (2019)
(4 uniques)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
(307 uniques)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (2021)
(6 uniques)
Arkham Noir: Case #1 – The Witch Cult Murders (2017)
(44 uniques)
Arkham Noir: Case #2 – Called Forth By Thunder (2018)
(5 uniques)
Arkham Noir: Case #3 – Infinite Gulfs of Darkness (2021)
(10 uniques)
Arkham Noir: Collector Case #1 – The Real Leeds (2017)
(17 uniques)
Arkham Noir: Collector Case #2 – The King in Yellow (2017)
(8 uniques)
Artifacts, Inc. (2014)
(13 uniques)
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread (2025)
(12 uniques)
Ascended (2016)
(1 uniques)
Assault on Doomrock (2014)
(45 uniques)
Assault on Doomrock: Ultimate Edition (2023)
(5 uniques)
Attack the Darkness (2013)
(1 uniques)
Aventuria (2016)
(46 uniques)
Aventuria: Forest of No Return (2017)
(2 uniques)
Awful Fantasy Adventures (2018)
(2 uniques)
AYA (2015)
(1 uniques)
Backstories: Alone Under the Ice (2024)
(1 uniques)
Bag of Dungeon 2: The Cursed Forest (2022)
(1 uniques)
Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game (2018)
(5 uniques)
Bakong (2009)
(1 uniques)
Balada (2021)
(1 uniques)
Baldrick's Tomb (2012)
(1 uniques)
Barbarian Prince (1981)
(27 uniques)
Barbarian Vince (2012)
(14 uniques)
Bardsung (2022)
(2 uniques)
Batman: Gotham City Chronicles (2019)
(7 uniques)
The Battle of Five Armies (2014)
(5 uniques)
Bellum Magica (2021)
(3 uniques)
Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004)
(1 uniques)
Betrayal at Mystery Mansion (2020)
(2 uniques)
Big Dig (2019)
(1 uniques)
Big Trouble in Little China: The Game (2018)
(10 uniques)
Black Souls (2018)
(1 uniques)
Blackbeard (1991)
(10 uniques)
Blackbeard (2008)
(7 uniques)
Blackout: Journey into Darkness (0)
(1 uniques)
Blight Chronicles: Agent Decker (2019)
(9 uniques)
Blind Mythos (2015)
(2 uniques)
Blocky Mountains (2014)
(1 uniques)
Bloodborne: The Board Game (2021)
(30 uniques)
BortJrSoloCon March 2017 (2017)
(1 uniques)
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations – The Board Game (2022)
(2 uniques)
Branded The Game (1966)
(1 uniques)
The Brigade (2018)
(2 uniques)
Bright Future (2015)
(24 uniques)
Brook City (2019)
(31 uniques)
Buddy Cop (2021)
(1 uniques)
burncycle (2022)
(23 uniques)
By Order of the Queen (2017)
(2 uniques)
By Savvy & Steel: A Gentleman's Life in 17th Century Europe (2013)
(1 uniques)
Camp Pinetop (2020)
(3 uniques)
Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison (2020)
(10 uniques)
Cantaloop: Book 2 – A Hack of a Plan (2021)
(1 uniques)
Captain's Log (2022)
(3 uniques)
Card Quest: Kingdoms (2015)
(1 uniques)
Cardmaster: Adventure Design Deck (1993)
(1 uniques)
Carta Marina (カルタマリナ) (2021)
(1 uniques)
Cartaventura: D-Day (2024)
(2 uniques)
Castaways (2010)
(15 uniques)
The Castle (1981)
(3 uniques)
Cave Evil (2011)
(2 uniques)
Centauri Saga (2016)
(9 uniques)
Chain Mail (2019)
(8 uniques)
Chainsaw Warrior (1987)
(10 uniques)
CHAINsomnia (2018)
(1 uniques)
Champions of Hara (2018)
(13 uniques)
Champions of Midgard (2015)
(6 uniques)
Charm City Blues (2017)
(1 uniques)
Charmed and Dangerous: The Sisters Grimm – Base Set (2019)
(1 uniques)
Chased: 1 card survival game with dinosaurs (2023)
(2 uniques)
Chocobo's Dungeon: The Board Game (2024)
(1 uniques)
Chronicles of Avel (2021)
(6 uniques)
Chronicles of Crime (2018)
(14 uniques)
Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (2020)
(2 uniques)
Chronicles of Frost (2018)
(29 uniques)
Chronicles of Stampadia (2021)
(1 uniques)
Citadel of Blood (1980)
(6 uniques)
The City of Kings (2018)
(72 uniques)
City of Ruins (2020)
(1 uniques)
Clank! (2016)
(44 uniques)
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated (2019)
(2 uniques)
Clank!: Catacombs (2022)
(19 uniques)
Claustrophobia (2009)
(18 uniques)
CLIMB! (2020)
(1 uniques)
CloudAge (2020)
(5 uniques)
Code 3 (2020)
(2 uniques)
Codeword Cromwell: The German Invasion of England, 8 June 1940 (2014)
(34 uniques)
Comanauts (2019)
(5 uniques)
Conan (2016)
(15 uniques)
Conan Collectible Card Game (2006)
(2 uniques)
Conan the Cimmerian: The Tower of the Elephant (2021)
(2 uniques)
Conquest Princess: Fashion Is Power (2024)
(1 uniques)
Core Runner (2019)
(1 uniques)
Cosmoctopus (2023)
(4 uniques)
Cowboys II: Cowboys & Indians Edition (2020)
(2 uniques)
Creatures and Caverns (2022)
(5 uniques)
Crisis at Steamfall (2019)
(5 uniques)
Crypt X (2020)
(1 uniques)
Cthulhu Mash (2003)
(1 uniques)
Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1988)
(2 uniques)
Cursed Earth Game (1978)
(1 uniques)
Cyber Pet Quest (2024)
(1 uniques)
The Daedalus Sentence (2016)
(6 uniques)
Darien Apocalypse (2018)
(4 uniques)
Dark Darker Darkest (2013)
(28 uniques)
Dark Tomb (2022)
(8 uniques)
Dark Tower (1981)
(2 uniques)
Dark Venture (2019)
(19 uniques)
The Dark Village (2020)
(3 uniques)
Darkest Night (2012)
(78 uniques)
Darkest Night (Second edition) (2018)
(54 uniques)
Darkest Night: Necromancer Bundle (2013)
(24 uniques)
Dawn of Peacemakers (2018)
(9 uniques)
Day Night Z (2019)
(16 uniques)
Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game (2024)
(4 uniques)
Dead Throne (2019)
(3 uniques)
Deadeye Dinah (2021)
(5 uniques)
Deathly Thrones (2022)
(2 uniques)
DeathMaze (1979)
(2 uniques)
Deck Box Dungeons (2018)
(9 uniques)
Deep Madness (2018)
(5 uniques)
Defender of the Order (2019)
(1 uniques)
Defenders of the Last Stand (2016)
(54 uniques)
Defenders of the Realm (2010)
(30 uniques)
Deliverance (2021)
(18 uniques)
Delve the Card Game (2009)
(34 uniques)
Delve: The Dice Game (2009)
(42 uniques)
Demonslayer: Solo Adventure Game (2024)
(1 uniques)
Depleted (2021)
(6 uniques)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005)
(4 uniques)
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
(117 uniques)
Descent: Legends of the Dark (2021)
(17 uniques)
Destination Dash (2023)
(1 uniques)
Destinies (2021)
(34 uniques)
Dice & Dragons (2018)
(1 uniques)
Dice Crawl (2014)
(1 uniques)
Dice in the Darkness (2021)
(1 uniques)
Diceborn Heroes (2019)
(8 uniques)
Dicey Crafting (2019)
(1 uniques)
Die Legenden von Andor: Die letzte Hoffnung (2017)
(6 uniques)
Dieson Crusoe (2022)
(1 uniques)
Dinoblivion (2020)
(15 uniques)
Dinosaurs of the Lost World (1987)
(9 uniques)
Discover: Lands Unknown (2018)
(15 uniques)
Divinity Original Sin: The Board Game (2023)
(4 uniques)
Djarhun (2006)
(1 uniques)
DNGN (2020)
(2 uniques)
Dobbers: Quest for the Key (2019)
(2 uniques)
Dragon Dungeon: A roll and write adventure (2020)
(2 uniques)
Dragon Eclipse (2025)
(2 uniques)
Dragons Down (2024)
(21 uniques)
Dragons of Etchinstone (2022)
(4 uniques)
Dragonwood (2015)
(4 uniques)
Drakard (2020)
(5 uniques)
Drawn to Adventure (2021)
(12 uniques)
The Dreadheart (2024)
(1 uniques)
Dreamwars (2017)
(1 uniques)
Dreary Hamlet (2016)
(1 uniques)
The Drifter (2019)
(15 uniques)
Dubious Alliance Fantasy Card Trading Game (2013)
(1 uniques)
Duel of Ages II (2013)
(11 uniques)
Duel of Ages Set 1: Worldspanner (2003)
(1 uniques)
Dungeon Alliance (2018)
(54 uniques)
Dungeon Degenerates: Hand of Doom (2017)
(113 uniques)
Dungeon Delver (2011)
(32 uniques)
Dungeon Dice (2014)
(3 uniques)
Dungeon Drop (2020)
(5 uniques)
Dungeon Flee (2020)
(6 uniques)
Dungeon in a Tin (2011)
(7 uniques)
Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary (2014)
(2 uniques)
The Dungeon of D (2008)
(24 uniques)
Dungeon of Deadliest Evil (2013)
(5 uniques)
Dungeon Raiders (2011)
(3 uniques)
Dungeon Run (2011)
(5 uniques)
Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest (2015)
(14 uniques)
Dungeon Solitaire: Tomb of the Four Kings (2015)
(32 uniques)
Dungeon Twister (2004)
(2 uniques)
Dungeon Twister 2: Prison (2009)
(8 uniques)
Dungeon Universalis (2019)
(7 uniques)
Dungeon! (1975)
(11 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Den of the Wererats (2004)
(2 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert (2005)
(1 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin (2004)
(1 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Realm of the Ice Witch (2005)
(1 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
(13 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends (2003)
(3 uniques)
Dungeonology: The Expedition (2019)
(1 uniques)
DungeonQuest (1985)
(4 uniques)
DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010)
(11 uniques)
DungeonQuest Revised Edition (2014)
(42 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game (2004)
(3 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons Computer Labyrinth Game (1980)
(1 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003)
(1 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2008)
(1 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure Begins (2020)
(1 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (2010)
(77 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game (2015)
(14 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: The Fantasy Adventure Board Game (2003)
(1 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game (2011)
(32 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Tomb of Annihilation Board Game (2017)
(7 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad Mage (2019)
(3 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game (2011)
(27 uniques)
Dungeons of Infinity (0)
(4 uniques)
Dwar7s Winter (2018)
(4 uniques)
The Dwarves: Big Box (2021)
(2 uniques)
Dystopian: the manhunt (2013)
(3 uniques)
Earth Reborn (2010)
(4 uniques)
Earth Under Siege: Flashpoint (2024)
(1 uniques)
Earthborne Rangers (2023)
(33 uniques)
Eila and Something Shiny (2021)
(3 uniques)
The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era (2025)
(3 uniques)
Elder Sign (2011)
(338 uniques)
Eldritch Horror (2013)
(266 uniques)
The Eldritch Mines (2020)
(4 uniques)
Elric (1977)
(2 uniques)
The Emerald Flame (2021)
(1 uniques)
Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove (2017)
(3 uniques)
Enigma (2012)
(1 uniques)
Epic Adventure Dungeon Crawl (2009)
(1 uniques)
Epic Dungeoneer: Call of the Lich Lord (2006)
(1 uniques)
The Epic of Gil & Ennis (2019)
(7 uniques)
Epic Solitaire Notebook Adventures (2009)
(7 uniques)
Escape from 100 Million B.C. (2017)
(12 uniques)
Escape from New York (1981)
(1 uniques)
Escape Plan (2019)
(12 uniques)
Escape the Dark Castle (2017)
(26 uniques)
Escape the Dark Sector (2020)
(15 uniques)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple (2012)
(37 uniques)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Big Box (2014)
(1 uniques)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Big Box: Kickstarter Edition (2014)
(1 uniques)
Etherfields (2020)
(10 uniques)
Euthia: Torment of Resurrection (2021)
(2 uniques)
Evy against Everything and Everyone Everywhere (2017)
(2 uniques)
Exalted: Legacy of the Unconquered Sun (2008)
(2 uniques)
EXIT: Das Spiel – Adventskalender: Die Jagd nach dem goldenen Buch (2021)
(4 uniques)
Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game (2016)
(8 uniques)
The Faceless (2018)
(1 uniques)
Fairy Tale in my Pocket (2009)
(1 uniques)
Fairytale Games: The Battle Royale (2014)
(1 uniques)
Fallen Land: A Post Apocalyptic Board Game (2017)
(51 uniques)
Fallen Land: A Post Apocalyptic Board Game – 2nd Edition (2021)
(3 uniques)
Fallout (2017)
(90 uniques)
Familiar Tales (2022)
(5 uniques)
Fantastiqa (2012)
(7 uniques)
Fantastiqa Rival Realms (2018)
(10 uniques)
Fantasy Defense (2017)
(1 uniques)
Faraway (2023)
(3 uniques)
Fate of the Elder Gods (2017)
(3 uniques)
FateFlip: Washed Ashore (2024)
(1 uniques)
Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan (2024)
(5 uniques)
Fearsome Wilderness (2020)
(1 uniques)
Ferox (2015)
(6 uniques)
Feudum (2017)
(14 uniques)
Fictions: Memoirs of a Gangster (2023)
(7 uniques)
Final Frontier (2010)
(1 uniques)
Fire of Eidolon (2017)
(14 uniques)
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar (2018)
(2 uniques)
Firefly: Fistful of Credits (2015)
(1 uniques)
Firefly: The Game (2013)
(75 uniques)
Firefly: The Game – 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition (2024)
(2 uniques)
Fireteam Zero (2015)
(81 uniques)
First Ascent (2022)
(2 uniques)
First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (2017)
(39 uniques)
First Rat (2022)
(6 uniques)
Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011)
(261 uniques)
Flock Together (2024)
(2 uniques)
Folklore: The Affliction (2017)
(32 uniques)
The Fool's Journey: Tarot Solitaire Card Game (2016)
(66 uniques)
Forbidden Desert (2013)
(63 uniques)
Forbidden Island (2010)
(174 uniques)
Forbidden Jungle (2023)
(3 uniques)
Forest Fire (2016)
(1 uniques)
Forest of Fate (2017)
(5 uniques)
Forge War (2015)
(67 uniques)
Forgotten Depths (2022)
(3 uniques)
Forgotten Waters (2020)
(4 uniques)
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game (2011)
(73 uniques)
Fortune Fame & Glory (2019)
(1 uniques)
Four Against Darkness (2016)
(97 uniques)
Four Against Mars (2020)
(4 uniques)
Four Against Ragnarok (2019)
(2 uniques)
Four against the Great Old Ones (2020)
(2 uniques)
Four Against the Titans (2018)
(2 uniques)
Fractal: Beyond the Void (2023)
(2 uniques)
Friday (2011)
(783 uniques)
Frosthaven (2022)
(20 uniques)
Fuji Koro (2019)
(1 uniques)
Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015)
(2 uniques)
Gameshop Adventurers (2014)
(1 uniques)
Gamot (2016)
(3 uniques)
Gathering Gloom (2023)
(2 uniques)
Gauntlet of Fools (2012)
(1 uniques)
Get to da Choppa! (2020)
(6 uniques)
Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters (2013)
(8 uniques)
Ghost Hunter 13: The Tile Game (2013)
(1 uniques)
Ghostbusters: Protect the Barrier Game (2016)
(2 uniques)
Gloomhaven (2017)
(283 uniques)
Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs (2024)
(19 uniques)
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (2020)
(77 uniques)
Gloomholdin' (2021)
(1 uniques)
Godforsaken Scavengers (2017)
(30 uniques)
The Goonies: Never Say Die (2021)
(2 uniques)
Griphold Tower (2020)
(1 uniques)
The Guild of Merchant Explorers (2022)
(83 uniques)
Haiku Warrior (2016)
(5 uniques)
Hand of Fate: Ordeals (2018)
(7 uniques)
Hand of Fate: Ordeals – Special Edition (2018)
(1 uniques)
Harakiri: Blades of Honor (2024)
(3 uniques)
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game (2018)
(1 uniques)
(24 uniques)
Heart of Darkness: An Adventure Game of African Exploration (2021)
(4 uniques)
Heldentaufe (2017)
(1 uniques)
Hellboy: The Board Game (2019)
(22 uniques)
Hero: Immortal King – The Infernal Forge (2007)
(1 uniques)
Hero: Immortal King – The Lair of the Lich (2007)
(3 uniques)
Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Board Game (2023)
(2 uniques)
Heroes of Terrinoth (2018)
(32 uniques)
Heroes of the Sanctum: The Strategy Card Game (2024)
(3 uniques)
Heroes Wanted (2014)
(24 uniques)
Heroica: Fortaan (2011)
(1 uniques)
HeroQuest (1989)
(11 uniques)
Hero's Journey Home (2015)
(9 uniques)
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004)
(2 uniques)
HEXplore It: The Domain of Mirza Noctis (2022)
(11 uniques)
HEXplore It: The Forests of Adrimon (2019)
(29 uniques)
HEXplore It: The Sands of Shurax (2020)
(8 uniques)
HEXplore It: The Valley of the Dead King (2017)
(86 uniques)
The Hobbit (2010)
(3 uniques)
The Hobbit Adventure Boardgame (1994)
(6 uniques)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2013)
(15 uniques)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
(6 uniques)
Holdout (2023)
(1 uniques)
The Hunters A.D. 2114 (2019)
(8 uniques)
Hunter's Guild: The Vampire Forest (2014)
(1 uniques)
I, Dungeon (2009)
(1 uniques)
In the Ashes (2023)
(2 uniques)
In Too Deep (2021)
(6 uniques)
Incan Gold (2006)
(1 uniques)
Infiltrate: into the bear cave (2016)
(1 uniques)
The Initiative (2021)
(3 uniques)
Iron Forest (2024)
(1 uniques)
Iron Helm (2019)
(35 uniques)
Ironclad (2019)
(4 uniques)
Isla Tetra (2010)
(1 uniques)
Island Of D (2005)
(5 uniques)
Island Of D 2: The Shadow of Dawn (2005)
(9 uniques)
The Island of Doctor Necreaux: Second Edition (2018)
(1 uniques)
The Island of El Dorado (2018)
(2 uniques)
The Island of El Dorado: Legend Edition (2020)
(1 uniques)
The Isle of Doctor Necreaux (2009)
(9 uniques)
Isles of Terror (2020)
(6 uniques)
The Isofarian Guard (2023)
(9 uniques)
ISS Vanguard (2022)
(27 uniques)
James Bond 007 Assault! Game (1986)
(1 uniques)
Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Board Game (2016)
(1 uniques)
Journey Adventure Quest (2022)
(3 uniques)
Journey in the Underworld (2013)
(2 uniques)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
(3 uniques)
Journey: Wrath of Demons (2015)
(2 uniques)
Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar (2022)
(2 uniques)
Karak (2017)
(3 uniques)
Karen and the Pirate Island (2016)
(3 uniques)
Karuba: Das Kartenspiel (2017)
(5 uniques)
Killer Eyelashes (2018)
(1 uniques)
Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall (2023)
(5 uniques)
Kingdom Death: Monster (2015)
(124 uniques)
Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom (2024)
(15 uniques)
Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (2020)
(14 uniques)
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising (2022)
(1 uniques)
Kipp mir Saures (2021)
(1 uniques)
Knights of Arthur: A Game of Knightly Adventure in the Age of King Arthur. (2014)
(1 uniques)
Knights of Camelot (1980)
(2 uniques)
Krosmaster: Quest (2015)
(1 uniques)
Lagoon: Land of Druids (2014)
(36 uniques)
Land of Enin (2012)
(9 uniques)
Lands of Galzyr (2022)
(23 uniques)
Larger Than Life: Director's Cut (2015)
(1 uniques)
Last Starfleet (2015)
(1 uniques)
Lasting Tales (2022)
(5 uniques)
League of Dungeoneers (2022)
(9 uniques)
Legacy of Dragonholt (2017)
(75 uniques)
The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018)
(3 uniques)
Legends of Andor (2012)
(123 uniques)
Legends of Novus (2019)
(1 uniques)
Legends of Sleepy Hollow (2022)
(1 uniques)
Legends of the American Frontier (2016)
(3 uniques)
Legends of the Ancient World: Orcs of the High Mountains (2007)
(2 uniques)
Legends of the Ancient World: The Sorcerer's Manor (2007)
(1 uniques)
Legends of Time and Space: S.O.S. (2011)
(1 uniques)
Legends Untold: The Great Sewers Novice Set (2019)
(8 uniques)
Legends Untold: Weeping Caves (2019)
(19 uniques)
Legion of Honor (2014)
(17 uniques)
Leviathan Wilds (2024)
(14 uniques)
Life & Legend (2016)
(1 uniques)
The Light in the Mist (2022)
(4 uniques)
Lobotomy (2017)
(14 uniques)
Lobotomy 2: Manhunt (2022)
(3 uniques)
The Lone Ranger Game (1938)
(1 uniques)
Lone Wolf and Cub Game (1989)
(5 uniques)
The Long Way Home (2021)
(1 uniques)
Loot the Loop (2021)
(1 uniques)
Lord of the Rings (2000)
(95 uniques)
Lord of the Rings (2003)
(1 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (2001)
(2 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019)
(64 uniques)
Lord of the Rings: The Adventure Deck Game (2011)
(66 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
(512 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Revised Core Set (2022)
(41 uniques)
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (2018)
(2 uniques)
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (2002)
(4 uniques)
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) (2005)
(1 uniques)
Lost Adventures (2023)
(1 uniques)
Lost Artifact (2018)
(1 uniques)
The Lost Expedition (2017)
(211 uniques)
Lost Ruins of Arnak (2020)
(75 uniques)
Lost Woods (2015)
(2 uniques)
Machina Arcana (2014)
(18 uniques)
Machina Arcana (Second Edition) (2019)
(14 uniques)
Machina Arcana (Second Edition): Premium Edition (2020)
(3 uniques)
Mad Monks and Relics (1995)
(1 uniques)
Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
(561 uniques)
Mage Knight Dungeons (2002)
(8 uniques)
Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition (2018)
(99 uniques)
Mageling (2019)
(2 uniques)
Magic Realm (1979)
(99 uniques)
Magic Realm Light 30 (2015)
(8 uniques)
Maladum: Dungeons of Enveron (2024)
(1 uniques)
The Mandalorian: Adventures (2024)
(6 uniques)
Mansions of Madness (2011)
(5 uniques)
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
(98 uniques)
The Many Dungeons (2024)
(1 uniques)
Map Maker (2018)
(1 uniques)
Maracaibo (2019)
(3 uniques)
The Mariana Trench (2020)
(22 uniques)
Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia (2017)
(25 uniques)
Massive Darkness (2017)
(43 uniques)
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape (2022)
(12 uniques)
Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia The Board Game (2022)
(2 uniques)
Maze of the Red Mage: A Solitaire Dungeon Adventure! (2007)
(1 uniques)
Meeples & Monsters: Kickstarter Edition (2022)
(1 uniques)
Mega Man: The Board Game (2016)
(1 uniques)
Melee (1977)
(1 uniques)
Melee in the Mines (2015)
(1 uniques)
Merchants & Marauders (2010)
(103 uniques)
Mice and Mystics (2012)
(59 uniques)
Middara (2019)
(53 uniques)
Middara: Unintentional Malum – Act 1 Version 1.1 (2021)
(3 uniques)
Middle-Earth (1995)
(32 uniques)
Middle-Earth Quest (2009)
(13 uniques)
Midnight Legion: Operation Deep Sleep (2016)
(7 uniques)
Mini Moons (2024)
(1 uniques)
Mini Rogue (2021)
(33 uniques)
Mini Rogue (2016)
(69 uniques)
MiniQuest Adventures (2021)
(2 uniques)
MIRU: An Analog Adventure Game (2022)
(1 uniques)
Mistfall (2015)
(102 uniques)
Mistfall: Heart of the Mists (2016)
(39 uniques)
Mistfall: Kickstarter Edition (2015)
(1 uniques)
Moby Dick, or, The Card Game (2013)
(3 uniques)
Monster Lands (2018)
(13 uniques)
Monster Mash I (2002)
(1 uniques)
The Morrison Game Factory (2024)
(2 uniques)
Mortum: Medieval Detective (2021)
(3 uniques)
Mountaineers (2019)
(1 uniques)
MourneQuest (2019)
(1 uniques)
Mousquetaires du Roy (2010)
(6 uniques)
The Mushroom Eaters (2013)
(1 uniques)
Mysthea (2019)
(1 uniques)
Myth (2014)
(103 uniques)
Mythos (1996)
(9 uniques)
Mythwind (2023)
(9 uniques)
Nanolith (2024)
(1 uniques)
Naturally Disastrous (2016)
(1 uniques)
Nazi Hunter (2020)
(4 uniques)
Near and Far (2017)
(27 uniques)
Nemesis (2018)
(56 uniques)
Nemesis: Lockdown (2021)
(11 uniques)
Nemo's War (second edition) (2017)
(318 uniques)
Nemo's War: The Ultimate Edition (2022)
(6 uniques)
Neverland's Legacy (2016)
(1 uniques)
Nexum Galaxy (2021)
(1 uniques)
Niña & Pinta (2016)
(13 uniques)
Ninja Knights (2022)
(2 uniques)
Ninja vs Robot (2011)
(3 uniques)
North South East Quest (2015)
(1 uniques)
NoteQuest (2019)
(1 uniques)
Nova Aetas Renaissance (2023)
(2 uniques)
Nova Aetas: Dark Renaissance Tactical Game (2016)
(9 uniques)
Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood (2022)
(24 uniques)
Odin Quest (2016)
(11 uniques)
Of Dreams & Shadows (2016)
(6 uniques)
Of Mines and Men: Roll and Write Edition (2022)
(2 uniques)
Okko Chronicles: Cycle of Water – Quest into Darkness (2019)
(1 uniques)
Old World New World (2013)
(1 uniques)
One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows (2017)
(73 uniques)
Open Fire (1988)
(4 uniques)
Operation Britain (1987)
(1 uniques)
Operation: Maccabee (2010)
(2 uniques)
Orcs on the Horizon (2020)
(6 uniques)
The Order of Vampire Hunters (2018)
(2 uniques)
The Order of Veiel (2020)
(1 uniques)
Oregon Trail (1981)
(1 uniques)
Outdoor Survival (1972)
(15 uniques)
Page Quest SEASON 1: Mythical Artifacts (2018)
(1 uniques)
Panic Station (2011)
(1 uniques)
Paper App Dungeon (2024)
(2 uniques)
Paperback Adventures (2021)
(11 uniques)
Paradox (2016)
(2 uniques)
PARKS (2019)
(80 uniques)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set (2019)
(24 uniques)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (2013)
(251 uniques)
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous – Base Set (2015)
(32 uniques)
Peacemakers: Horrors of War (2024)
(3 uniques)
Pencils & Powers (2017)
(11 uniques)
Penny Assassin (2018)
(1 uniques)
Penny Papers Adventures: Skull Island (2018)
(1 uniques)
Pericle: Gathering Darkness (2023)
(1 uniques)
Perilous Tales (2020)
(2 uniques)
The Phantom: The Card Game (0)
(5 uniques)
Philosophia: Floating World (2021)
(3 uniques)
The Pirate Republic (2018)
(30 uniques)
Pocket Adventure (2015)
(3 uniques)
Pocket Book Adventures (0)
(1 uniques)
Pocket Dungeon (2009)
(4 uniques)
Pocket Dungeon Quest (2015)
(2 uniques)
Pocket Watch: Set a Watch in 18 Cards (2022)
(1 uniques)
Polyhedral Perils (2022)
(1 uniques)
Polyhedral Predicaments: Dungeon Demise (2022)
(1 uniques)
Postcard Dungeons (2018)
(7 uniques)
Posthuman (2015)
(31 uniques)
Posthuman Saga (2019)
(6 uniques)
Prophecy (2002)
(5 uniques)
Pulp Alley (2012)
(3 uniques)
Quest Crawler (2010)
(1 uniques)
Quest for the Auburn Pelt: A PageQuest Game (1997)
(3 uniques)
Quest: A Time of Heroes (2010)
(1 uniques)
Questor (2013)
(2 uniques)
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands (2021)
(1 uniques)
Quodd Heroes (2019)
(3 uniques)
Raiders in my Pocket (2014)
(2 uniques)
Raiders of the Lost Tomb (2014)
(2 uniques)
Rambo: The Board Game – First Blood (2020)
(3 uniques)
Random Encounters (2015)
(6 uniques)
The Ratcatcher, Solo Adventure (2020)
(3 uniques)
The Red Dragon's Lair (2014)
(2 uniques)
Red Sonja: Hyrkania's Legacy (2018)
(1 uniques)
The Refuge: Terror from the Deep (2019)
(3 uniques)
Reichbusters: Projekt Vril (2020)
(5 uniques)
Relic (2013)
(16 uniques)
Relic Expedition (2014)
(1 uniques)
Relics of Rajavihara (2021)
(2 uniques)
Resident Evil: The Board Game (2023)
(1 uniques)
The Restoration of Ilkannon (2015)
(1 uniques)
Return of the Heroes (2003)
(9 uniques)
Return to Dark Tower (2022)
(4 uniques)
Rising 5: Runes of Asteros (2017)
(1 uniques)
The Road (2021)
(3 uniques)
The Road to Ruin (2015)
(1 uniques)
Robin Hood (2019)
(1 uniques)
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
(368 uniques)
Rocky Mountain Man (2020)
(4 uniques)
Rogue Agent (2013)
(2 uniques)
Rogue Dungeon (2020)
(1 uniques)
Rogue Dungeon: 2nd Edition (2024)
(2 uniques)
Rogue Trooper (1987)
(1 uniques)
Roll Player Adventures (2021)
(18 uniques)
Rule the Waves (2021)
(11 uniques)
Runebound (Second Edition) (2005)
(51 uniques)
Runebound (Third Edition) (2015)
(116 uniques)
The Runelords Board Game (2020)
(1 uniques)
Runewars (2010)
(2 uniques)
Runicards (2013)
(1 uniques)
Rusty Dagger (2022)
(1 uniques)
S.O.S. Special Operative Simon (2019)
(1 uniques)
Saltlands (2016)
(16 uniques)
Salvation Road (2016)
(24 uniques)
Sanctum (2019)
(9 uniques)
Satchel: A Journey Unknown (2020)
(2 uniques)
Sauria (2022)
(1 uniques)
Schätze des Dunklen Turmes (2009)
(1 uniques)
Search for the Emperor's Treasure (1981)
(2 uniques)
Secret Unknown Stuff: Escape from Dulce (2018)
(1 uniques)
Secrets of the Lost Station (2019)
(16 uniques)
Secrets of the Lost Tomb (2015)
(81 uniques)
Serfs & Soldiers (2014)
(1 uniques)
Set a Watch (2019)
(46 uniques)
Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin (2021)
(6 uniques)
Shadow of the Elder Gods (2015)
(1 uniques)
Shadowrift (2012)
(1 uniques)
Shadowrun Crossfire: Prime Runner Edition (2018)
(70 uniques)
Shadowrun: Crossfire (2014)
(270 uniques)
Shadowrun: Crossfire – Demo Box (2013)
(4 uniques)
Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients (2014)
(69 uniques)
Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients (Revised Edition) (2020)
(2 uniques)
Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress (2018)
(6 uniques)
Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death (2014)
(24 uniques)
Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death (Revised Edition) (2020)
(2 uniques)
Shadows of Brimstone: Valley of the Serpent Kings (2023)
(1 uniques)
Shadows of Malice (2014)
(80 uniques)
Shadows over Camelot (2005)
(3 uniques)
Shadowscape (2017)
(20 uniques)
Shard Harvest (2023)
(1 uniques)
The Shared Dream (2017)
(29 uniques)
The Siblings Trouble (2016)
(2 uniques)
Side Quest: Nemesis (2023)
(2 uniques)
Sidekick Saga (2019)
(4 uniques)
Silicon Saga: Wreck of the Andromeda (2022)
(1 uniques)
Silver & Gold (2019)
(5 uniques)
Sine Tempore (2018)
(8 uniques)
Sita (2017)
(1 uniques)
Skull Tales: Full Sail! (2019)
(2 uniques)
Skulldug! (2015)
(4 uniques)
Slaughterville (2015)
(14 uniques)
Slay the Spire: The Board Game (2024)
(10 uniques)
Sleeping Gods (2021)
(31 uniques)
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (2023)
(11 uniques)
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (Gamefound Edition) (2023)
(1 uniques)
Sleeping Gods: Kickstarter Edition (2021)
(1 uniques)
Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril (2023)
(6 uniques)
So, You've Been Eaten (2022)
(11 uniques)
Solacia: The Wizard of Doom – A Solitaire Fantasy Game (2023)
(1 uniques)
Solo Tower Hack (2007)
(1 uniques)
Solomon Kane (2021)
(18 uniques)
Soul Raiders (2024)
(1 uniques)
Space Cadets: Away Missions (2015)
(89 uniques)
Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons (2018)
(35 uniques)
Space Marine Adventures: Rise of the Orks (2020)
(6 uniques)
Space Privateer Command (2022)
(2 uniques)
Spanish Main (1984)
(2 uniques)
Spellbound (2012)
(1 uniques)
The Spill (2022)
(6 uniques)
Spire's End (2020)
(12 uniques)
Spire's End: Hildegard (2022)
(5 uniques)
Spy or Die Trying (2013)
(1 uniques)
Star Drifter (2023)
(5 uniques)
Star Explorer (1982)
(1 uniques)
Star Saga (2017)
(7 uniques)
Star Smuggler (1982)
(1 uniques)
Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation (2011)
(2 uniques)
Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation – The Next Phase (2012)
(4 uniques)
Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Original Series (2012)
(2 uniques)
Star Trek III (1985)
(3 uniques)
Star Trek: Expeditions (2011)
(18 uniques)
Star Trek: The Adventure Game (1985)
(3 uniques)
Star Trek: The Next Generation – Interactive VCR Board Game – A Klingon Challenge (1993)
(1 uniques)
Star Wars: Corellian Smuggler (1996)
(1 uniques)
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
(69 uniques)
Star Wars: Outer Rim (2019)
(65 uniques)
Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy (2021)
(1 uniques)
Stars of Akarios (2022)
(5 uniques)
Steve Canyon (1959)
(1 uniques)
Stingray (1966)
(1 uniques)
Storm Raiders (2024)
(3 uniques)
Storm Weavers (2021)
(2 uniques)
The StoryMaster's Tales "Weirding Woods" Hybrid RPG (2019)
(1 uniques)
Stowaway 52 (2015)
(6 uniques)
Stranded No More (2014)
(1 uniques)
Street Masters: Rise of the Kingdom (2018)
(123 uniques)
Stuffed Fables (2018)
(10 uniques)
The Stygian Society (2020)
(4 uniques)
Sub Terra (2017)
(14 uniques)
Sub Terra II: Inferno's Edge (2022)
(3 uniques)
Summit: The Board Game (2017)
(4 uniques)
Super Dungeon Explore (2011)
(1 uniques)
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King (2015)
(8 uniques)
Survival / The Barbarian (1979)
(3 uniques)
Survival Park (2023)
(3 uniques)
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! (1982)
(2 uniques)
Sword & Sorcery (2017)
(55 uniques)
Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles (2021)
(7 uniques)
Swords & Sorcery (1978)
(1 uniques)
Systemless Gamebooks (2007)
(1 uniques)
T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
(25 uniques)
Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin (2023)
(15 uniques)
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (2019)
(76 uniques)
Tales From the Loop: The Board Game (2021)
(2 uniques)
Tales of the Arabian Nights (2009)
(41 uniques)
Tales of the Arabian Nights (1985)
(1 uniques)
Tales of the Arthurian Knights (2024)
(1 uniques)
Tales of the Northlands: The Sagas of Noggin the Nog (2018)
(3 uniques)
Talisman (Revised 4th Edition) (2007)
(11 uniques)
Talisman: Batman – Super-Villains Edition (2019)
(1 uniques)
Tamashii: Chronicle of Ascend (2023)
(7 uniques)
Tau Ceti: Planetary Crisis (2017)
(3 uniques)
Techlandia (2020)
(1 uniques)
Temple of the Feathered Serpent (2011)
(3 uniques)
They Live: Assault on Cable 54 (2022)
(2 uniques)
This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017)
(132 uniques)
Thorgal: The Board Game (2024)
(1 uniques)
A Thousand Years of Blood (2012)
(2 uniques)
Through Ice and Snow (2024)
(1 uniques)
Tidal Blades 2: Rise of the Unfolders (2024)
(2 uniques)
Time of Legends: Joan of Arc (2019)
(1 uniques)
TIME Stories Revolution: The Hadal Project (2020)
(1 uniques)
Time Tripper (1980)
(3 uniques)
Tin Helm (2021)
(26 uniques)
Tin Realm (2024)
(2 uniques)
Tiny Epic Quest (2017)
(73 uniques)
Tobago (2009)
(4 uniques)
Tomb (2008)
(5 uniques)
Tomb Raider Collectible Card Game (1999)
(9 uniques)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (2009)
(1 uniques)
Tomb: Cryptmaster (2009)
(2 uniques)
Tombs: The Sword of Valhalla (2013)
(4 uniques)
Too Many Bones (2017)
(300 uniques)
Too Many Bones: Unbreakable (2023)
(12 uniques)
Too Many Bones: Undertow (2018)
(63 uniques)
A Touch of Evil: 10 Year Anniversary Edition (2020)
(2 uniques)
A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game (2008)
(44 uniques)
TOZAN (2020)
(3 uniques)
Trailblazer: The John Muir Trail (2023)
(3 uniques)
Trailblazers (2023)
(18 uniques)
Trailblazers: Super Travel Edition (2023)
(2 uniques)
TRAILS (2021)
(1 uniques)
Treasure Hunter (2015)
(2 uniques)
Trek 12 (2020)
(13 uniques)
Trekking Through History (2022)
(7 uniques)
T-Rex greift an! (2006)
(1 uniques)
Trogdor!: The Board Game (2019)
(6 uniques)
Trudvang Legends (2022)
(2 uniques)
True Hero Minigame (2008)
(1 uniques)
Tusk (1994)
(1 uniques)
Unbroken (2018)
(62 uniques)
Uncharted: The Board Game (2012)
(4 uniques)
Under the Shadow of the Dragon (2004)
(12 uniques)
The Undercity: An Iron Kingdoms Adventure Board Game (2015)
(7 uniques)
Unknown (2016)
(65 uniques)
Vagrantsong (2021)
(13 uniques)
Valor & Villainy: Lludwik's Labyrinth (2023)
(3 uniques)
Vampire: The Masquerade – CHAPTERS (2023)
(2 uniques)
Vast: The Crystal Caverns (2016)
(63 uniques)
Vast: The Mysterious Manor (2019)
(7 uniques)
Victoriana (2019)
(7 uniques)
Vikingar: The Conquest of Worlds (2017)
(3 uniques)
Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora (1981)
(8 uniques)
The Walking Dead: The Board Game (2011)
(4 uniques)
Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay (2019)
(3 uniques)
War of the Ring (1977)
(4 uniques)
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
(34 uniques)
Warhammer Quest (1995)
(2 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress (2018)
(14 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City (2021)
(3 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics (2022)
(3 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower (2016)
(12 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015)
(149 uniques)
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (1986)
(1 uniques)
Warp-Lancer (2023)
(4 uniques)
Waste Knights (2015)
(1 uniques)
Waste Knights: Second Edition (2020)
(18 uniques)
A Wayfarer's Tale (2022)
(3 uniques)
Weirdwood Manor (2024)
(4 uniques)
Western Legends (2018)
(6 uniques)
Wettlauf nach El Dorado (2017)
(6 uniques)
Whitetail Wilderness (2013)
(2 uniques)
Widower's Wood: An Iron Kingdoms Adventure Board Game (2017)
(3 uniques)
Wild Assent (2021)
(3 uniques)
Wilderness (2011)
(1 uniques)
The Willow Game (1988)
(1 uniques)
The Witcher Adventure Game (2014)
(12 uniques)
The Witcher: Old World (2023)
(5 uniques)
Wizards (1982)
(5 uniques)
World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game (2008)
(1 uniques)
World of Warcraft: The Boardgame (2005)
(11 uniques)
World of Yo-Ho (2016)
(1 uniques)
The Wreck of the B.S.M. Pandora (1980)
(4 uniques)
Xena Warrior Princess: The Board Game (1998)
(1 uniques)
The X-Files (2015)
(2 uniques)
Xia: Legends of a Drift System (2014)
(79 uniques)
X-ODUS: Rise of the Corruption (2020)
(11 uniques)
Zephyr: Winds of Change (2017)
(7 uniques)
Zerywia (2021)
(8 uniques)
Zogar's Gaze (2013)
(7 uniques)
Zombicide: Black Plague (2015)
(81 uniques)
Zombicide: Green Horde (2018)
(3 uniques)
Zombie in my Pocket (2007)
(31 uniques)
Zombie Island (2014)
(6 uniques)
Zona: The Secret of Chernobyl (2019)
(5 uniques)
Zoo Quest (1959)
(1 uniques)
The Zorro Dice Game (2020)
(5 uniques)
ワイルドハントフェス (Wild Hunt Festival) (2019)
(3 uniques)
頼りない魔法使い (Unreliable Wizard) (2022)
(8 uniques)
By Unique Entry Count
783 -
Friday (2011)
561 -
Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
512 -
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011)
368 -
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
338 -
Elder Sign (2011)
318 -
Nemo's War (second edition) (2017)
307 -
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
300 -
Too Many Bones (2017)
283 -
Gloomhaven (2017)
270 -
Shadowrun: Crossfire (2014)
266 -
Eldritch Horror (2013)
261 -
Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011)
251 -
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – Base Set (2013)
211 -
The Lost Expedition (2017)
177 -
The 7th Continent (2017)
174 -
Forbidden Island (2010)
149 -
Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015)
141 -
Arkham Horror (2005)
132 -
This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017)
124 -
Kingdom Death: Monster (2015)
123 -
Legends of Andor (2012)
123 -
Street Masters: Rise of the Kingdom (2018)
117 -
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
116 -
Runebound (Third Edition) (2015)
113 -
Dungeon Degenerates: Hand of Doom (2017)
103 -
Merchants & Marauders (2010)
103 -
Myth (2014)
102 -
Mistfall (2015)
99 -
Mage Knight: Ultimate Edition (2018)
99 -
Magic Realm (1979)
98 -
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition (2016)
97 -
Four Against Darkness (2016)
95 -
Lord of the Rings (2000)
90 -
Fallout (2017)
89 -
Space Cadets: Away Missions (2015)
86 -
HEXplore It: The Valley of the Dead King (2017)
83 -
The Guild of Merchant Explorers (2022)
81 -
Fireteam Zero (2015)
81 -
Secrets of the Lost Tomb (2015)
81 -
Zombicide: Black Plague (2015)
80 -
PARKS (2019)
80 -
Shadows of Malice (2014)
79 -
Xia: Legends of a Drift System (2014)
78 -
Darkest Night (2012)
77 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (2010)
77 -
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (2020)
76 -
Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon (2019)
75 -
Firefly: The Game (2013)
75 -
Legacy of Dragonholt (2017)
75 -
Lost Ruins of Arnak (2020)
73 -
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game (2011)
73 -
One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows (2017)
73 -
Tiny Epic Quest (2017)
72 -
The City of Kings (2018)
70 -
Shadowrun Crossfire: Prime Runner Edition (2018)
69 -
Mini Rogue (2016)
69 -
Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients (2014)
69 -
Star Wars: Imperial Assault (2014)
67 -
Forge War (2015)
66 -
The Fool's Journey: Tarot Solitaire Card Game (2016)
66 -
Lord of the Rings: The Adventure Deck Game (2011)
65 -
Star Wars: Outer Rim (2019)
65 -
Unknown (2016)
64 -
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019)
63 -
Forbidden Desert (2013)
63 -
Too Many Bones: Undertow (2018)
63 -
Vast: The Crystal Caverns (2016)
62 -
Unbroken (2018)
59 -
Mice and Mystics (2012)
56 -
Nemesis (2018)
55 -
Sword & Sorcery (2017)
54 -
Darkest Night (Second edition) (2018)
54 -
Defenders of the Last Stand (2016)
54 -
Dungeon Alliance (2018)
53 -
Middara (2019)
51 -
Fallen Land: A Post Apocalyptic Board Game (2017)
51 -
Runebound (Second Edition) (2005)
46 -
Aventuria (2016)
46 -
Set a Watch (2019)
45 -
Assault on Doomrock (2014)
44 -
Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (2022)
44 -
Aether Captains: Clockwork Cabal (2011)
44 -
Arkham Noir: Case #1 – The Witch Cult Murders (2017)
44 -
Clank! (2016)
44 -
A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game (2008)
43 -
Massive Darkness (2017)
42 -
Delve: The Dice Game (2009)
42 -
DungeonQuest Revised Edition (2014)
41 -
Arena: The Contest (2019)
41 -
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Revised Core Set (2022)
41 -
Tales of the Arabian Nights (2009)
39 -
First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet (2017)
39 -
Mistfall: Heart of the Mists (2016)
37 -
Escape: The Curse of the Temple (2012)
36 -
Agents of SMERSH (2012)
36 -
Lagoon: Land of Druids (2014)
35 -
Iron Helm (2019)
35 -
Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons (2018)
34 -
Codeword Cromwell: The German Invasion of England, 8 June 1940 (2014)
34 -
Delve the Card Game (2009)
34 -
Destinies (2021)
34 -
War of the Ring (second edition) (2012)
33 -
Earthborne Rangers (2023)
33 -
Mini Rogue (2021)
32 -
Apocrypha Adventure Card Game (2017)
32 -
Dungeon Delver (2011)
32 -
Dungeon Solitaire: Tomb of the Four Kings (2015)
32 -
Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game (2011)
32 -
Folklore: The Affliction (2017)
32 -
Heroes of Terrinoth (2018)
32 -
Middle-Earth (1995)
32 -
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous – Base Set (2015)
31 -
Brook City (2019)
31 -
Posthuman (2015)
31 -
Sleeping Gods (2021)
31 -
Zombie in my Pocket (2007)
30 -
Altar Quest (2020)
30 -
Bloodborne: The Board Game (2021)
30 -
Defenders of the Realm (2010)
30 -
Godforsaken Scavengers (2017)
30 -
The Pirate Republic (2018)
29 -
Arkham Horror (Third Edition) (2018)
29 -
Chronicles of Frost (2018)
29 -
HEXplore It: The Forests of Adrimon (2019)
29 -
The Shared Dream (2017)
28 -
Adventure of D (2010)
28 -
Dark Darker Darkest (2013)
27 -
Barbarian Prince (1981)
27 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game (2011)
27 -
ISS Vanguard (2022)
27 -
Near and Far (2017)
26 -
Escape the Dark Castle (2017)
26 -
Tin Helm (2021)
25 -
Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia (2017)
25 -
T.I.M.E Stories (2015)
24 -
Bright Future (2015)
24 -
Darkest Night: Necromancer Bundle (2013)
24 -
The Dungeon of D (2008)
24 -
24 -
Heroes Wanted (2014)
24 -
Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood (2022)
24 -
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set (2019)
24 -
Salvation Road (2016)
24 -
Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death (2014)
23 -
burncycle (2022)
23 -
Lands of Galzyr (2022)
22 -
Hellboy: The Board Game (2019)
22 -
The Mariana Trench (2020)
21 -
A4 Quest (2017)
21 -
Dragons Down (2024)
20 -
Frosthaven (2022)
20 -
Shadowscape (2017)
19 -
Adventure of D (Second Edition) (2020)
19 -
Clank!: Catacombs (2022)
19 -
Dark Venture (2019)
19 -
Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs (2024)
19 -
Legends Untold: Weeping Caves (2019)
18 -
Albion's Legacy (2015)
18 -
Argonauts (2015)
18 -
Claustrophobia (2009)
18 -
Deliverance (2021)
18 -
Machina Arcana (2014)
18 -
Roll Player Adventures (2021)
18 -
Solomon Kane (2021)
18 -
Star Trek: Expeditions (2011)
18 -
Trailblazers (2023)
18 -
Waste Knights: Second Edition (2020)
17 -
Arkham Noir: Collector Case #1 – The Real Leeds (2017)
17 -
Descent: Legends of the Dark (2021)
17 -
Legion of Honor (2014)
16 -
Day Night Z (2019)
16 -
Relic (2013)
16 -
Saltlands (2016)
16 -
Secrets of the Lost Station (2019)
15 -
Castaways (2010)
15 -
Conan (2016)
15 -
Dinoblivion (2020)
15 -
Discover: Lands Unknown (2018)
15 -
The Drifter (2019)
15 -
Escape the Dark Sector (2020)
15 -
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2013)
15 -
Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom (2024)
15 -
Outdoor Survival (1972)
15 -
Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin (2023)
14 -
The 7th Citadel (2024)
14 -
Barbarian Vince (2012)
14 -
Chronicles of Crime (2018)
14 -
Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest (2015)
14 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game (2015)
14 -
Feudum (2017)
14 -
Fire of Eidolon (2017)
14 -
Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (2020)
14 -
Leviathan Wilds (2024)
14 -
Lobotomy (2017)
14 -
Machina Arcana (Second Edition) (2019)
14 -
Slaughterville (2015)
14 -
Sub Terra (2017)
14 -
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress (2018)
13 -
The 7th Continent: Classic Edition (2019)
13 -
Artifacts, Inc. (2014)
13 -
Champions of Hara (2018)
13 -
Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
13 -
Middle-Earth Quest (2009)
13 -
Monster Lands (2018)
13 -
Niña & Pinta (2016)
13 -
Trek 12 (2020)
13 -
Vagrantsong (2021)
12 -
Adventure Tactics: Domianne's Tower (2021)
12 -
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread (2025)
12 -
Drawn to Adventure (2021)
12 -
Escape from 100 Million B.C. (2017)
12 -
Escape Plan (2019)
12 -
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape (2022)
12 -
Spire's End (2020)
12 -
Too Many Bones: Unbreakable (2023)
12 -
Under the Shadow of the Dragon (2004)
12 -
Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower (2016)
12 -
The Witcher Adventure Game (2014)
11 -
Duel of Ages II (2013)
11 -
Dungeon! (1975)
11 -
DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010)
11 -
HeroQuest (1989)
11 -
HEXplore It: The Domain of Mirza Noctis (2022)
11 -
Nemesis: Lockdown (2021)
11 -
Odin Quest (2016)
11 -
Paperback Adventures (2021)
11 -
Pencils & Powers (2017)
11 -
Rule the Waves (2021)
11 -
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (2023)
11 -
So, You've Been Eaten (2022)
11 -
Talisman (Revised 4th Edition) (2007)
11 -
World of Warcraft: The Boardgame (2005)
11 -
X-ODUS: Rise of the Corruption (2020)
10 -
Arkham Noir: Case #3 – Infinite Gulfs of Darkness (2021)
10 -
Big Trouble in Little China: The Game (2018)
10 -
Blackbeard (1991)
10 -
Cantaloop: Book 1 – Breaking into Prison (2020)
10 -
Chainsaw Warrior (1987)
10 -
Etherfields (2020)
10 -
Fantastiqa Rival Realms (2018)
10 -
Slay the Spire: The Board Game (2024)
10 -
Stuffed Fables (2018)
9 -
Aether Captains: Pirates and Traders (2011)
9 -
Blight Chronicles: Agent Decker (2019)
9 -
Centauri Saga (2016)
9 -
Dawn of Peacemakers (2018)
9 -
Deck Box Dungeons (2018)
9 -
Dinosaurs of the Lost World (1987)
9 -
Hero's Journey Home (2015)
9 -
Island Of D 2: The Shadow of Dawn (2005)
9 -
The Isle of Doctor Necreaux (2009)
9 -
The Isofarian Guard (2023)
9 -
Land of Enin (2012)
9 -
League of Dungeoneers (2022)
9 -
Mythos (1996)
9 -
Mythwind (2023)
9 -
Nova Aetas: Dark Renaissance Tactical Game (2016)
9 -
Return of the Heroes (2003)
9 -
Sanctum (2019)
9 -
Tomb Raider Collectible Card Game (1999)
8 -
Arkham Noir: Collector Case #2 – The King in Yellow (2017)
8 -
Chain Mail (2019)
8 -
Dark Tomb (2022)
8 -
Diceborn Heroes (2019)
8 -
Dungeon Twister 2: Prison (2009)
8 -
Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game (2016)
8 -
Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters (2013)
8 -
HEXplore It: The Sands of Shurax (2020)
8 -
The Hunters A.D. 2114 (2019)
8 -
Legends Untold: The Great Sewers Novice Set (2019)
8 -
Mage Knight Dungeons (2002)
8 -
Magic Realm Light 30 (2015)
8 -
Sine Tempore (2018)
8 -
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King (2015)
8 -
Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora (1981)
8 -
Zerywia (2021)
8 -
頼りない魔法使い (Unreliable Wizard) (2022)
7 -
Agents of Adventure (2022)
7 -
Batman: Gotham City Chronicles (2019)
7 -
Blackbeard (2008)
7 -
Dungeon in a Tin (2011)
7 -
Dungeon Universalis (2019)
7 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Tomb of Annihilation Board Game (2017)
7 -
The Epic of Gil & Ennis (2019)
7 -
Epic Solitaire Notebook Adventures (2009)
7 -
Fantastiqa (2012)
7 -
Fictions: Memoirs of a Gangster (2023)
7 -
Hand of Fate: Ordeals (2018)
7 -
Midnight Legion: Operation Deep Sleep (2016)
7 -
Postcard Dungeons (2018)
7 -
Star Saga (2017)
7 -
Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles (2021)
7 -
Tamashii: Chronicle of Ascend (2023)
7 -
Trekking Through History (2022)
7 -
The Undercity: An Iron Kingdoms Adventure Board Game (2015)
7 -
Vast: The Mysterious Manor (2019)
7 -
Victoriana (2019)
7 -
Zephyr: Winds of Change (2017)
7 -
Zogar's Gaze (2013)
6 -
Aftermath (2019)
6 -
Arcadia Quest (2014)
6 -
Arkham Horror: The Card Game (Revised Edition) (2021)
6 -
Champions of Midgard (2015)
6 -
Chronicles of Avel (2021)
6 -
Citadel of Blood (1980)
6 -
The Daedalus Sentence (2016)
6 -
Depleted (2021)
6 -
Die Legenden von Andor: Die letzte Hoffnung (2017)
6 -
Dungeon Flee (2020)
6 -
Ferox (2015)
6 -
First Rat (2022)
6 -
Get to da Choppa! (2020)
6 -
The Hobbit Adventure Boardgame (1994)
6 -
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
6 -
In Too Deep (2021)
6 -
Isles of Terror (2020)
6 -
The Mandalorian: Adventures (2024)
6 -
Mousquetaires du Roy (2010)
6 -
Nemo's War: The Ultimate Edition (2022)
6 -
Of Dreams & Shadows (2016)
6 -
Orcs on the Horizon (2020)
6 -
Posthuman Saga (2019)
6 -
Random Encounters (2015)
6 -
Set a Watch: Swords of the Coin (2021)
6 -
Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress (2018)
6 -
Sleeping Gods: Primeval Peril (2023)
6 -
Space Marine Adventures: Rise of the Orks (2020)
6 -
The Spill (2022)
6 -
Stowaway 52 (2015)
6 -
Trogdor!: The Board Game (2019)
6 -
Western Legends (2018)
6 -
Wettlauf nach El Dorado (2017)
6 -
Zombie Island (2014)
5 -
Agemonia (2023)
5 -
Arkham Noir: Case #2 – Called Forth By Thunder (2018)
5 -
Assault on Doomrock: Ultimate Edition (2023)
5 -
Bag of Dungeon: A Fantasy Adventure Game (2018)
5 -
The Battle of Five Armies (2014)
5 -
CloudAge (2020)
5 -
Comanauts (2019)
5 -
Creatures and Caverns (2022)
5 -
Crisis at Steamfall (2019)
5 -
Deadeye Dinah (2021)
5 -
Deep Madness (2018)
5 -
Drakard (2020)
5 -
Dungeon Drop (2020)
5 -
Dungeon of Deadliest Evil (2013)
5 -
Dungeon Run (2011)
5 -
Familiar Tales (2022)
5 -
Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan (2024)
5 -
Forest of Fate (2017)
5 -
Haiku Warrior (2016)
5 -
Island Of D (2005)
5 -
Karuba: Das Kartenspiel (2017)
5 -
Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall (2023)
5 -
Lasting Tales (2022)
5 -
Lone Wolf and Cub Game (1989)
5 -
Mansions of Madness (2011)
5 -
The Phantom: The Card Game (0)
5 -
Prophecy (2002)
5 -
Reichbusters: Projekt Vril (2020)
5 -
Silver & Gold (2019)
5 -
Spire's End: Hildegard (2022)
5 -
Star Drifter (2023)
5 -
Stars of Akarios (2022)
5 -
Tomb (2008)
5 -
The Witcher: Old World (2023)
5 -
Wizards (1982)
5 -
Zona: The Secret of Chernobyl (2019)
5 -
The Zorro Dice Game (2020)
4 -
6x6 TALES (2020)
4 -
Above and Below (2015)
4 -
Agents of SMERSH: Epic Edition (2022)
4 -
Arkeis (2023)
4 -
Arkham Horror: Final Hour (2019)
4 -
Cosmoctopus (2023)
4 -
Darien Apocalypse (2018)
4 -
Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game (2024)
4 -
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2005)
4 -
Divinity Original Sin: The Board Game (2023)
4 -
Dragons of Etchinstone (2022)
4 -
Dragonwood (2015)
4 -
DungeonQuest (1985)
4 -
Dungeons of Infinity (0)
4 -
Dwar7s Winter (2018)
4 -
Earth Reborn (2010)
4 -
The Eldritch Mines (2020)
4 -
EXIT: Das Spiel – Adventskalender: Die Jagd nach dem goldenen Buch (2021)
4 -
Forgotten Waters (2020)
4 -
Four Against Mars (2020)
4 -
Heart of Darkness: An Adventure Game of African Exploration (2021)
4 -
Ironclad (2019)
4 -
The Light in the Mist (2022)
4 -
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (2002)
4 -
Nazi Hunter (2020)
4 -
Open Fire (1988)
4 -
Pocket Dungeon (2009)
4 -
Return to Dark Tower (2022)
4 -
Rocky Mountain Man (2020)
4 -
Shadowrun: Crossfire – Demo Box (2013)
4 -
Sidekick Saga (2019)
4 -
Skulldug! (2015)
4 -
Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation – The Next Phase (2012)
4 -
The Stygian Society (2020)
4 -
Summit: The Board Game (2017)
4 -
Tobago (2009)
4 -
Tombs: The Sword of Valhalla (2013)
4 -
Uncharted: The Board Game (2012)
4 -
The Walking Dead: The Board Game (2011)
4 -
War of the Ring (1977)
4 -
Warp-Lancer (2023)
4 -
Weirdwood Manor (2024)
4 -
The Wreck of the B.S.M. Pandora (1980)
3 -
12 Realms (2010)
3 -
Aces of Valor: Aerial Combat during WWI (2014)
3 -
Alone Against Fear (2020)
3 -
Bellum Magica (2021)
3 -
Camp Pinetop (2020)
3 -
Captain's Log (2022)
3 -
The Castle (1981)
3 -
The Dark Village (2020)
3 -
Dead Throne (2019)
3 -
Dungeon Dice (2014)
3 -
Dungeon Raiders (2011)
3 -
Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends (2003)
3 -
Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game (2004)
3 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Waterdeep – Dungeon of the Mad Mage (2019)
3 -
Dystopian: the manhunt (2013)
3 -
Eila and Something Shiny (2021)
3 -
The Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era (2025)
3 -
Endangered Orphans of Condyle Cove (2017)
3 -
Fallen Land: A Post Apocalyptic Board Game – 2nd Edition (2021)
3 -
Faraway (2023)
3 -
Fate of the Elder Gods (2017)
3 -
Forbidden Jungle (2023)
3 -
Forgotten Depths (2022)
3 -
Gamot (2016)
3 -
Harakiri: Blades of Honor (2024)
3 -
Hero: Immortal King – The Lair of the Lich (2007)
3 -
Heroes of the Sanctum: The Strategy Card Game (2024)
3 -
The Hobbit (2010)
3 -
The Initiative (2021)
3 -
Journey Adventure Quest (2022)
3 -
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
3 -
Karak (2017)
3 -
Karen and the Pirate Island (2016)
3 -
The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018)
3 -
Legends of the American Frontier (2016)
3 -
Lobotomy 2: Manhunt (2022)
3 -
Machina Arcana (Second Edition): Premium Edition (2020)
3 -
Maracaibo (2019)
3 -
Middara: Unintentional Malum – Act 1 Version 1.1 (2021)
3 -
Moby Dick, or, The Card Game (2013)
3 -
Mortum: Medieval Detective (2021)
3 -
Ninja vs Robot (2011)
3 -
Peacemakers: Horrors of War (2024)
3 -
Philosophia: Floating World (2021)
3 -
Pocket Adventure (2015)
3 -
Pulp Alley (2012)
3 -
Quest for the Auburn Pelt: A PageQuest Game (1997)
3 -
Quodd Heroes (2019)
3 -
Rambo: The Board Game – First Blood (2020)
3 -
The Ratcatcher, Solo Adventure (2020)
3 -
The Refuge: Terror from the Deep (2019)
3 -
The Road (2021)
3 -
Shadows over Camelot (2005)
3 -
Star Trek III (1985)
3 -
Star Trek: The Adventure Game (1985)
3 -
Storm Raiders (2024)
3 -
Sub Terra II: Inferno's Edge (2022)
3 -
Survival / The Barbarian (1979)
3 -
Survival Park (2023)
3 -
Tales of the Northlands: The Sagas of Noggin the Nog (2018)
3 -
Tau Ceti: Planetary Crisis (2017)
3 -
Temple of the Feathered Serpent (2011)
3 -
Time Tripper (1980)
3 -
TOZAN (2020)
3 -
Trailblazer: The John Muir Trail (2023)
3 -
Valor & Villainy: Lludwik's Labyrinth (2023)
3 -
Vikingar: The Conquest of Worlds (2017)
3 -
Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay (2019)
3 -
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City (2021)
3 -
Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics (2022)
3 -
A Wayfarer's Tale (2022)
3 -
Widower's Wood: An Iron Kingdoms Adventure Board Game (2017)
3 -
Wild Assent (2021)
3 -
Zombicide: Green Horde (2018)
3 -
ワイルドハントフェス (Wild Hunt Festival) (2019)
2 -
4XL (0)
2 -
8 Bit Attack (2019)
2 -
Advanced Heroquest (1989)
2 -
AdvanceQuest: Among I, The Fungi (2021)
2 -
Adventure Games: Im Nebelreich (2021)
2 -
The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus (2011)
2 -
The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac (2009)
2 -
Airships: North Pole Quest (2021)
2 -
Alexandria (2017)
2 -
Arcane Guardian (2019)
2 -
Archaeology: The Card Game (2007)
2 -
Arkenshield: The Gates of Thy´an (2020)
2 -
Aventuria: Forest of No Return (2017)
2 -
Awful Fantasy Adventures (2018)
2 -
Bardsung (2022)
2 -
Betrayal at Mystery Mansion (2020)
2 -
Blind Mythos (2015)
2 -
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations – The Board Game (2022)
2 -
The Brigade (2018)
2 -
By Order of the Queen (2017)
2 -
Cartaventura: D-Day (2024)
2 -
Cave Evil (2011)
2 -
Chased: 1 card survival game with dinosaurs (2023)
2 -
Chronicles of Crime: 1400 (2020)
2 -
Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated (2019)
2 -
Code 3 (2020)
2 -
Conan Collectible Card Game (2006)
2 -
Conan the Cimmerian: The Tower of the Elephant (2021)
2 -
Cowboys II: Cowboys & Indians Edition (2020)
2 -
Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1988)
2 -
Dark Tower (1981)
2 -
Deathly Thrones (2022)
2 -
DeathMaze (1979)
2 -
DNGN (2020)
2 -
Dobbers: Quest for the Key (2019)
2 -
Dragon Dungeon: A roll and write adventure (2020)
2 -
Dragon Eclipse (2025)
2 -
Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary (2014)
2 -
Dungeon Twister (2004)
2 -
Dungeoneer: Den of the Wererats (2004)
2 -
The Dwarves: Big Box (2021)
2 -
Elric (1977)
2 -
Euthia: Torment of Resurrection (2021)
2 -
Evy against Everything and Everyone Everywhere (2017)
2 -
Exalted: Legacy of the Unconquered Sun (2008)
2 -
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar (2018)
2 -
Firefly: The Game – 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition (2024)
2 -
First Ascent (2022)
2 -
Flock Together (2024)
2 -
Four Against Ragnarok (2019)
2 -
Four against the Great Old Ones (2020)
2 -
Four Against the Titans (2018)
2 -
Fractal: Beyond the Void (2023)
2 -
Fury of Dracula (third edition) (2015)
2 -
Gathering Gloom (2023)
2 -
Ghostbusters: Protect the Barrier Game (2016)
2 -
The Goonies: Never Say Die (2021)
2 -
Heroes of Might & Magic III: The Board Game (2023)
2 -
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie (2004)
2 -
In the Ashes (2023)
2 -
The Island of El Dorado (2018)
2 -
Journey in the Underworld (2013)
2 -
Journey: Wrath of Demons (2015)
2 -
Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar (2022)
2 -
Knights of Camelot (1980)
2 -
Legends of the Ancient World: Orcs of the High Mountains (2007)
2 -
The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (2001)
2 -
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (2018)
2 -
Lost Woods (2015)
2 -
Mageling (2019)
2 -
Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia The Board Game (2022)
2 -
MiniQuest Adventures (2021)
2 -
The Morrison Game Factory (2024)
2 -
Ninja Knights (2022)
2 -
Nova Aetas Renaissance (2023)
2 -
Of Mines and Men: Roll and Write Edition (2022)
2 -
Operation: Maccabee (2010)
2 -
The Order of Vampire Hunters (2018)
2 -
Paper App Dungeon (2024)
2 -
Paradox (2016)
2 -
Perilous Tales (2020)
2 -
Pocket Dungeon Quest (2015)
2 -
Questor (2013)
2 -
Raiders in my Pocket (2014)
2 -
Raiders of the Lost Tomb (2014)
2 -
The Red Dragon's Lair (2014)
2 -
Relics of Rajavihara (2021)
2 -
Rogue Agent (2013)
2 -
Rogue Dungeon: 2nd Edition (2024)
2 -
Runewars (2010)
2 -
Satchel: A Journey Unknown (2020)
2 -
Search for the Emperor's Treasure (1981)
2 -
Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients (Revised Edition) (2020)
2 -
Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death (Revised Edition) (2020)
2 -
The Siblings Trouble (2016)
2 -
Side Quest: Nemesis (2023)
2 -
Skull Tales: Full Sail! (2019)
2 -
Space Privateer Command (2022)
2 -
Spanish Main (1984)
2 -
Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation (2011)
2 -
Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Original Series (2012)
2 -
Storm Weavers (2021)
2 -
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! (1982)
2 -
Tales From the Loop: The Board Game (2021)
2 -
They Live: Assault on Cable 54 (2022)
2 -
A Thousand Years of Blood (2012)
2 -
Tidal Blades 2: Rise of the Unfolders (2024)
2 -
Tin Realm (2024)
2 -
Tomb: Cryptmaster (2009)
2 -
A Touch of Evil: 10 Year Anniversary Edition (2020)
2 -
Trailblazers: Super Travel Edition (2023)
2 -
Treasure Hunter (2015)
2 -
Trudvang Legends (2022)
2 -
Vampire: The Masquerade – CHAPTERS (2023)
2 -
Warhammer Quest (1995)
2 -
Whitetail Wilderness (2013)
2 -
The X-Files (2015)
1 -
007 James Bond: The Man with the Golden Gun (1985)
1 -
11th Hour Dungeon (2019)
1 -
21 Days (2017)
1 -
7 Moons: Heroes of Dragon Reach (2021)
1 -
A.D.E.L.E. (2021)
1 -
AdvanceQuest: An Abduction in Darkhill (2022)
1 -
AdvanceQuest: Chaos in the Chasm (2022)
1 -
AdvanceQuest: The New Hill (2022)
1 -
Aethermon: Collect (2023)
1 -
Africana (2012)
1 -
Aftermath (2020)
1 -
Alchemical Crystal Quest (second edition) (2017)
1 -
Alice's Nightmare in Wonderland (2015)
1 -
Amulet (2023)
1 -
And a Bottle of Rum (2015)
1 -
Andor: The Family Fantasy Game (2020)
1 -
Arkham Horror (1987)
1 -
Ascended (2016)
1 -
Attack the Darkness (2013)
1 -
AYA (2015)
1 -
Backstories: Alone Under the Ice (2024)
1 -
Bag of Dungeon 2: The Cursed Forest (2022)
1 -
Bakong (2009)
1 -
Balada (2021)
1 -
Baldrick's Tomb (2012)
1 -
Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004)
1 -
Big Dig (2019)
1 -
Black Souls (2018)
1 -
Blackout: Journey into Darkness (0)
1 -
Blocky Mountains (2014)
1 -
BortJrSoloCon March 2017 (2017)
1 -
Branded The Game (1966)
1 -
Buddy Cop (2021)
1 -
By Savvy & Steel: A Gentleman's Life in 17th Century Europe (2013)
1 -
Cantaloop: Book 2 – A Hack of a Plan (2021)
1 -
Card Quest: Kingdoms (2015)
1 -
Cardmaster: Adventure Design Deck (1993)
1 -
Carta Marina (カルタマリナ) (2021)
1 -
CHAINsomnia (2018)
1 -
Charm City Blues (2017)
1 -
Charmed and Dangerous: The Sisters Grimm – Base Set (2019)
1 -
Chocobo's Dungeon: The Board Game (2024)
1 -
Chronicles of Stampadia (2021)
1 -
City of Ruins (2020)
1 -
CLIMB! (2020)
1 -
Conquest Princess: Fashion Is Power (2024)
1 -
Core Runner (2019)
1 -
Crypt X (2020)
1 -
Cthulhu Mash (2003)
1 -
Cursed Earth Game (1978)
1 -
Cyber Pet Quest (2024)
1 -
Defender of the Order (2019)
1 -
Demonslayer: Solo Adventure Game (2024)
1 -
Destination Dash (2023)
1 -
Dice & Dragons (2018)
1 -
Dice Crawl (2014)
1 -
Dice in the Darkness (2021)
1 -
Dicey Crafting (2019)
1 -
Dieson Crusoe (2022)
1 -
Djarhun (2006)
1 -
The Dreadheart (2024)
1 -
Dreamwars (2017)
1 -
Dreary Hamlet (2016)
1 -
Dubious Alliance Fantasy Card Trading Game (2013)
1 -
Duel of Ages Set 1: Worldspanner (2003)
1 -
Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert (2005)
1 -
Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin (2004)
1 -
Dungeoneer: Realm of the Ice Witch (2005)
1 -
Dungeonology: The Expedition (2019)
1 -
Dungeons & Dragons Computer Labyrinth Game (1980)
1 -
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures (2003)
1 -
Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2008)
1 -
Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure Begins (2020)
1 -
Dungeons & Dragons: The Fantasy Adventure Board Game (2003)
1 -
Earth Under Siege: Flashpoint (2024)
1 -
The Emerald Flame (2021)
1 -
Enigma (2012)
1 -
Epic Adventure Dungeon Crawl (2009)
1 -
Epic Dungeoneer: Call of the Lich Lord (2006)
1 -
Escape from New York (1981)
1 -
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Big Box (2014)
1 -
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Big Box: Kickstarter Edition (2014)
1 -
The Faceless (2018)
1 -
Fairy Tale in my Pocket (2009)
1 -
Fairytale Games: The Battle Royale (2014)
1 -
Fantasy Defense (2017)
1 -
FateFlip: Washed Ashore (2024)
1 -
Fearsome Wilderness (2020)
1 -
Final Frontier (2010)
1 -
Firefly: Fistful of Credits (2015)
1 -
Forest Fire (2016)
1 -
Fortune Fame & Glory (2019)
1 -
Fuji Koro (2019)
1 -
Gameshop Adventurers (2014)
1 -
Gauntlet of Fools (2012)
1 -
Ghost Hunter 13: The Tile Game (2013)
1 -
Gloomholdin' (2021)
1 -
Griphold Tower (2020)
1 -
Hand of Fate: Ordeals – Special Edition (2018)
1 -
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game (2018)
1 -
Heldentaufe (2017)
1 -
Hero: Immortal King – The Infernal Forge (2007)
1 -
Heroica: Fortaan (2011)
1 -
Holdout (2023)
1 -
Hunter's Guild: The Vampire Forest (2014)
1 -
I, Dungeon (2009)
1 -
Incan Gold (2006)
1 -
Infiltrate: into the bear cave (2016)
1 -
Iron Forest (2024)
1 -
Isla Tetra (2010)
1 -
The Island of Doctor Necreaux: Second Edition (2018)
1 -
The Island of El Dorado: Legend Edition (2020)
1 -
James Bond 007 Assault! Game (1986)
1 -
Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Board Game (2016)
1 -
Killer Eyelashes (2018)
1 -
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising (2022)
1 -
Kipp mir Saures (2021)
1 -
Knights of Arthur: A Game of Knightly Adventure in the Age of King Arthur. (2014)
1 -
Krosmaster: Quest (2015)
1 -
Larger Than Life: Director's Cut (2015)
1 -
Last Starfleet (2015)
1 -
Legends of Novus (2019)
1 -
Legends of Sleepy Hollow (2022)
1 -
Legends of the Ancient World: The Sorcerer's Manor (2007)
1 -
Legends of Time and Space: S.O.S. (2011)
1 -
Life & Legend (2016)
1 -
The Lone Ranger Game (1938)
1 -
The Long Way Home (2021)
1 -
Loot the Loop (2021)
1 -
Lord of the Rings (2003)
1 -
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (Deluxe Edition) (2005)
1 -
Lost Adventures (2023)
1 -
Lost Artifact (2018)
1 -
Mad Monks and Relics (1995)
1 -
Maladum: Dungeons of Enveron (2024)
1 -
The Many Dungeons (2024)
1 -
Map Maker (2018)
1 -
Maze of the Red Mage: A Solitaire Dungeon Adventure! (2007)
1 -
Meeples & Monsters: Kickstarter Edition (2022)
1 -
Mega Man: The Board Game (2016)
1 -
Melee (1977)
1 -
Melee in the Mines (2015)
1 -
Mini Moons (2024)
1 -
MIRU: An Analog Adventure Game (2022)
1 -
Mistfall: Kickstarter Edition (2015)
1 -
Monster Mash I (2002)
1 -
Mountaineers (2019)
1 -
MourneQuest (2019)
1 -
The Mushroom Eaters (2013)
1 -
Mysthea (2019)
1 -
Nanolith (2024)
1 -
Naturally Disastrous (2016)
1 -
Neverland's Legacy (2016)
1 -
Nexum Galaxy (2021)
1 -
North South East Quest (2015)
1 -
NoteQuest (2019)
1 -
Okko Chronicles: Cycle of Water – Quest into Darkness (2019)
1 -
Old World New World (2013)
1 -
Operation Britain (1987)
1 -
The Order of Veiel (2020)
1 -
Oregon Trail (1981)
1 -
Page Quest SEASON 1: Mythical Artifacts (2018)
1 -
Panic Station (2011)
1 -
Penny Assassin (2018)
1 -
Penny Papers Adventures: Skull Island (2018)
1 -
Pericle: Gathering Darkness (2023)
1 -
Pocket Book Adventures (0)
1 -
Pocket Watch: Set a Watch in 18 Cards (2022)
1 -
Polyhedral Perils (2022)
1 -
Polyhedral Predicaments: Dungeon Demise (2022)
1 -
Quest Crawler (2010)
1 -
Quest: A Time of Heroes (2010)
1 -
Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands (2021)
1 -
Red Sonja: Hyrkania's Legacy (2018)
1 -
Relic Expedition (2014)
1 -
Resident Evil: The Board Game (2023)
1 -
The Restoration of Ilkannon (2015)
1 -
Rising 5: Runes of Asteros (2017)
1 -
The Road to Ruin (2015)
1 -
Robin Hood (2019)
1 -
Rogue Dungeon (2020)
1 -
Rogue Trooper (1987)
1 -
The Runelords Board Game (2020)
1 -
Runicards (2013)
1 -
Rusty Dagger (2022)
1 -
S.O.S. Special Operative Simon (2019)
1 -
Sauria (2022)
1 -
Schätze des Dunklen Turmes (2009)
1 -
Secret Unknown Stuff: Escape from Dulce (2018)
1 -
Serfs & Soldiers (2014)
1 -
Shadow of the Elder Gods (2015)
1 -
Shadowrift (2012)
1 -
Shadows of Brimstone: Valley of the Serpent Kings (2023)
1 -
Shard Harvest (2023)
1 -
Silicon Saga: Wreck of the Andromeda (2022)
1 -
Sita (2017)
1 -
Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies (Gamefound Edition) (2023)
1 -
Sleeping Gods: Kickstarter Edition (2021)
1 -
Solacia: The Wizard of Doom – A Solitaire Fantasy Game (2023)
1 -
Solo Tower Hack (2007)
1 -
Soul Raiders (2024)
1 -
Spellbound (2012)
1 -
Spy or Die Trying (2013)
1 -
Star Explorer (1982)
1 -
Star Smuggler (1982)
1 -
Star Trek: The Next Generation – Interactive VCR Board Game – A Klingon Challenge (1993)
1 -
Star Wars: Corellian Smuggler (1996)
1 -
Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy (2021)
1 -
Steve Canyon (1959)
1 -
Stingray (1966)
1 -
The StoryMaster's Tales "Weirding Woods" Hybrid RPG (2019)
1 -
Stranded No More (2014)
1 -
Super Dungeon Explore (2011)
1 -
Swords & Sorcery (1978)
1 -
Systemless Gamebooks (2007)
1 -
Tales of the Arabian Nights (1985)
1 -
Tales of the Arthurian Knights (2024)
1 -
Talisman: Batman – Super-Villains Edition (2019)
1 -
Techlandia (2020)
1 -
Thorgal: The Board Game (2024)
1 -
Through Ice and Snow (2024)
1 -
Time of Legends: Joan of Arc (2019)
1 -
TIME Stories Revolution: The Hadal Project (2020)
1 -
Tomb Raider: Underworld (2009)
1 -
TRAILS (2021)
1 -
T-Rex greift an! (2006)
1 -
True Hero Minigame (2008)
1 -
Tusk (1994)
1 -
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (1986)
1 -
Waste Knights (2015)
1 -
Wilderness (2011)
1 -
The Willow Game (1988)
1 -
World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game (2008)
1 -
World of Yo-Ho (2016)
1 -
Xena Warrior Princess: The Board Game (1998)
1 -
Zoo Quest (1959)