SGOYT Leaders For 2018
Leaders are calculated based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month. This eliminates multiple entries for a game by the same user during a month (an acceptable practice, but one that dilutes the stats).

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Unique Entries: 8628
Actual Entries: 11262
# of Games: 1697
# of Users: 700
Top 100 Games
157 - Spirit Island (2017)
141 - Terraforming Mars (2016) Thumbs Up!
105 - Scythe (2016) Thumbs Up!
83 - Nemo's War (second edition) (2017) Thumbs Up!
76 - The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) Thumbs Up!
68 - Renegade (2018) Thumbs Up!
62 - Friday (2011) Thumbs Up!
60 - Gloomhaven (2017)
60 - Race for the Galaxy (2007) Thumbs Up!
59 - Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
57 - One Deck Dungeon (2016)
55 - Herbaceous (2017)
55 - Roll Player (2016)
54 - Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) Thumbs Up!
52 - Limes (2014) Thumbs Up!
52 - Orchard: A 9 card solitaire game (2018)
52 - Rallyman (2009) Thumbs Up!
51 - Gaia Project (2017) Thumbs Up!
50 - Hostage Negotiator (2015) Thumbs Up!
50 - Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game (2010) Thumbs Up!
45 - Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
45 - At the Gates of Loyang (2009) Thumbs Up!
43 - Sentinels of the Multiverse (2011)
42 - Deep Space D-6 (2015) Thumbs Up!
42 - Elder Sign (2011)
41 - The Castles of Burgundy: The Dice Game (2017)
41 - Onirim (second edition) (2014)
40 - Pocket Landship (2017)
39 - The 7th Continent (2017)
39 - Sprawlopolis (2018)
38 - Clans of Caledonia (2017)
37 - The Lost Expedition (2017)
37 - Nusfjord (2017)
36 - Viticulture Essential Edition (2015) Thumbs Up!
35 - Glass Road (2013) Thumbs Up!
35 - Sunset Over Water (2018)
35 - Too Many Bones (2017) Thumbs Up!
34 - Black Orchestra (2016) Thumbs Up!
34 - Four Against Darkness (2016)
33 - Castellion (2015)
33 - A Feast for Odin (2016)
32 - Aeon's End (2016)
31 - The Bloody Inn (2015)
31 - Eldritch Horror (2013)
31 - Maximum Apocalypse (2018) Thumbs Up!
30 - Charterstone (2017)
30 - HEXplore It: The Valley of the Dead King (2017)
30 - Legacy of Dragonholt (2017)
29 - Dungeon Degenerates: Hand of Doom (2017)
29 - Palm Island (2018)
29 - Space Empires: 4X (2011)
28 - Anachrony (2017) Thumbs Up!
28 - Carcassonne (2000) Thumbs Up!
28 - Ganz schön clever (2018)
27 - After The Virus (2017)
27 - Shadowrun: Crossfire (2014)
26 - Caverna: Cave vs Cave (2017)
26 - Desolate (2018)
26 - Kingdom Death: Monster (2015)
26 - Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2014) Thumbs Up!
26 - Oh My Goods! (2015)
26 - Pandemic Iberia (2016)
26 - Patchwork (2014) Thumbs Up!
26 - This War of Mine: The Board Game (2017)
25 - Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011) Thumbs Up!
25 - Pandemic: The Cure (2014) Thumbs Up!
24 - The City of Kings (2018)
24 - Imperial Settlers (2014)
24 - Pandemic (2008)
24 - Raiders of the North Sea (2015)
24 - Sylvion (2015)
23 - Everything vs. Everything (2013)
23 - Fields of Arle (2014) Thumbs Up!
23 - Helionox: Deluxe Edition (2017)
23 - Leaving Earth (2015) Thumbs Up!
23 - One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows (2017)
23 - Raging Bulls (2017)
22 - Bowling Solitaire (1969) Thumbs Up!
22 - Dragonfire (2017)
22 - Explorers of the North Sea (2016)
22 - Fallout (2017) Thumbs Up!
22 - Mint Works (2017)
22 - Nations: The Dice Game (2014) Thumbs Up!
21 - Expedition: Northwest Passage (2010) Thumbs Up!
21 - Gears of War: The Board Game (2011) Thumbs Up!
21 - Legends of Andor (2012)
20 - Finished! (2017)
20 - Founders of Gloomhaven (2018)
20 - Sagrada (2017) Thumbs Up!
20 - Star Realms (2014) Thumbs Up!
20 - Unpublished Prototype (0)
19 - Aeon's End: War Eternal (2017)
19 - Ambush! (1983) Thumbs Up!
19 - Apocalypse Chaos (2015)
19 - Aventuria (2016)
19 - D-Day Dice (2012) Thumbs Up!
19 - Fallen Land: A Post Apocalyptic Board Game (2017) Thumbs Up!
19 - The Fool's Journey: Tarot Solitaire Card Game (2016)
19 - Lewis & Clark (2013)
19 - Mini Rogue (2016)
19 - New Bedford (2016)
19 - Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
Top 100 Users
362 - Redheaded Pharmacist
269 - Albia
251 - dobrazil
193 - jwml
173 - govmiller
170 - Jy0831
151 - smittyohio
132 - kevinruns262
126 - emodiu5
118 - mogust
112 - catosulla
92 - MadMihi
90 - Dubious Bryn
85 - reverendunclebastard
82 - DocSavage2001
82 - patton55
77 - repairmanjack
76 - carbon_dragon
74 - magic_erwt
72 - Elida
70 - BrokenAxe
70 - gentle
70 - overhaul
69 - eastwoodk
69 - spaceman23
66 - Donutz McGoo
65 - budkin
64 - abendoso
64 - Nighteyes77
58 - Angie666
58 - Ben_Bos
58 - davekuhns
57 - mournful
57 - mrmagpieman
54 - RadKit
53 - Haywood
52 - CthulhuKid
52 - garrylloyd
52 - klkitchens
50 - briezee
47 - maloma
46 - Freeloading Phill
46 - neotrunks2002
45 - sarebear62
45 - Zouave
43 - smic
43 - usfbrown
43 - WingTale
42 - permagoof
42 - suzyvitale
40 - jfardette
39 - DonkeyJay
39 - kleric42
38 - flaeryn
38 - LGMHorus
38 - wcordewiner
37 - skeletonhat
36 - schiavonir
34 - celdom
34 - Royds
34 - vacuumdude
33 - alamb1101
33 - jeffrhind
33 - runaway_meeple
32 - settlerdave
31 - MarkP1981
30 - DoxaLogos
29 - bartlett82
29 - bills933
29 - Rindel
29 - sixthecat
28 - bwguinig
28 - joestin
28 - threepointthed
27 - Fried Egg
26 - ColintheFlea
26 - Danneq
26 - Narrow Gate Games
26 - westwardhough
26 - Woelf
25 - cyberdiscman
25 - Kush7
25 - Solinete
25 - ZombieBoard
24 - BiggityBogle
24 - DrHenryArmitage
24 - mithoron
23 - GameRulesforOne
23 - ldpaulson
23 - Myrk2112
23 - PanzersEast
23 - shockaday
22 - benjamininja
22 - Brenoit
22 - Formersd
22 - sangwizz
22 - SpideyMan63
21 - CrazyCatman
21 - family_gamer
21 - fractaloon
21 - King Zimm
21 - squarepegsys
21 - thevig