"This really is a fantastic game. I'm keeping it and am not interested in seeking anything else that scratches the same itch, though I'm also keeping Dawn of the Zeds. They're quite different." [SGOYT]
"Brain-burning optimization game of worker placement. You have to choose actions as much for the bonuses as for the actions themselves, which is quite interesting. Deeply satisfying." [SGOYT]
"Better than Lost Expedition due to a better decision space. I suspect it's nearly the same as The Lost Expedition with the expansion though. I've not tried that." [SGOYT]
"Satisfying mechanics and surprisingly capable of being somewhat thematic despite being a somewhat abstract deckbuilding game. Clever, fast, and puzzly." [SGOYT]
"I think I need to play more scenarios before deciding that I'd rather only own Perdition's Mouth, Gloomhaven, and Claustrophobia. Are no other miniature crawl games needed?" [SGOYT]
"It's really great. It's like Mage Knight with much easier rules and nearly the same quality of brain burning and nearly the same amount of brain burning." [SGOYT]
"It's easy enough to be a gateway game, but it has a lot of meaningful strategy AND tactics, even when playing against a bot that just draws a card to determine its next move, without the fancier fan-…" [SGOYT]
"This is the super-puzzle hard version of Pandemic with lots of neat mechanics and a great thematic atmosphere that feels like Harry Potter. As far as I can tell, it's the peak of the sub-genre." [SGOYT]
"I'm not sure if this is what I hoped it would be. It's good, fun, and involves interesting decisions. They're not interesting enough in the hardest version of the introductory scenario, but that's to…" [SGOYT]
"Wow, this is pleasant and thinky. I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys Walnut Grove or, of course, Glen More (which this is an improved remake of.)" [SGOYT]
"I went far enough the first scenario to see this should be good to play with my daughter when she's older, which is the reason I own it. I'm putting it away with the stuff that's for her." [SGOYT]
"Too much rules/fiddliness overhead and too long of a game length with too little payoff due to the random nature of the game. There does seem to be a thinky puzzle buried underneath that which would …" [SGOYT]
"It's all combat, making it a hack and slash overland crawl that's all about the puzzle instead of waiting to see if your plans will be confirmed by dice. Very satisfying." [SGOYT]
"It's very easy to learn, especially considering its age, its heavy fantasy theme, and how tense, thematic, and meaningful the decisions are. It's an incredibly elegant design." [SGOYT]
"Everything is great. We ate some grass. Now we can only see sheep. Where is the ground? Last we saw, it was bloody and black with the bodies of our enemies." [SGOYT]
"Lost three more times, but it's just more and more fun each time because the card draw makes me try new things! There's so much strategic variety" [SGOYT]
"Though Herbaceous is a very light game, decisions are interesting. It will probably be even better as a filler with others, but the solo is worth it for me. Fun!" [SGOYT]
"Dark Dealings is now smushed into roughly the same category for me as games like Onirim, but with much faster setup. It's not as good as expanded Onirim." [SGOYT]
"Herbaceous is a good puzzle, though it might have a little more randomness than I prefer - though I don't think it work without that randomness." [SGOYT]
"I think anyone who likes Limes and doesn't get a headache from learning this will greatly enjoy playing it over and over. It's harder work, but it's very satisfying." [SGOYT]