Participation Chart Since First Active (click to show/hide)
User Entries by Month
thevig SGOYT Stats
# of Lists: 23
Unique Entries: 73
Actual Entries: 74
<summary> Entries: 0
# of Games: 71
Top Months
Top Games
2 - [WIP] - Gaffer's Garden - (2017 Solitaire Print and Play Contest) - Components Ready
2 - Open Rails Origins (2009)
1 - [Contest Ready] Above the Horizon {2017 Mint Tin Design Contest}
1 - [WIP] - Blood Donation - Just a Set of Poker Playing Cards Required [2018 Solitaire PNP Contest Entry] - Components Available
1 - [WIP] - Honey - [2017 Solitaire Print and Play contest] - [Component Available]
1 - [WIP] Certain Stars - 2017 Mint Tin Design Contest [Components Ready]
1 - [WIP] Dungeon Cruller - 2018 Solitaire PnP Contest Entry - Components Available
1 - [WIP] Highlands - A Submission to the 2017 Solitaire PnP Contest [Components ready]
1 - [WIP] Mutt (2017 Solo Print and Play Contest) - Contest Ready
1 - [WIP] Raging Bulls (2017 Solitaire PnP Contest) components available
1 - [WIP] Rest In Peace: The Asylum
1 - [WIP] Survival Tin - 2015 Solitaire PnP design contest - WIP Phase
1 - [WIP] The Fall of the Vizulli (Components Available)
1 - [WIP] The Hunting of the Jabberwock - Components Available (2017 Solitaire PnP Contest)
1 - 2016 Solitarie Game Design Contest Entry - The Thief in the Forest of Wyr (Contest Ready)
1 - 2017 Solitaire PnP Contest - Kaiju Siege (components available)
1 - A4 Quest (2017)
1 - Austerity (2015)
1 - Bindle Rails (2008)
1 - Black Sonata (2017)
1 - Card Quest: Kingdoms (2015)
1 - Constantinople (2016)
1 - The Court of Xiang Chi (2015)
1 - Deep Future (2016)
1 - Deity (2017)
1 - Destination Earth (2018)
1 - Donning the Purple (2018)
1 - Don't let them get you (2014)
1 - Dual Powers: Revolution 1917 (2018)
1 - Dungeon of Darkness (2017)
1 - Dynamice (2016)
1 - Escape With Honour (2009)
1 - Evolution (2014)
1 - Filler (2019)
1 - Flip 9 (2014)
1 - Foothold Enterprises (2012)
1 - Forest of Fate (2017)
1 - Forge War (2015) Thumbs Up!
1 - Four Against Darkness (2016)
1 - FUSION: Asteroid Mining (2017)
1 - Glory to Rome (2005)
1 - HAZE ISLANDS (2016)
1 - Helionox: Deluxe Edition (2017)
1 - The Herald (2013)
1 - Hero of Weehawken (2011)
1 - Honey (2017)
1 - Kaiju Siege (2017)
1 - K-Day: Kaiju War! (2013)
1 - The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018)
1 - Lost in the Woods (2018)
1 - Maquis (2013) Thumbs Up!
1 - Micropul (2004)
1 - Middle-Earth (1995)
1 - Mini Rogue (2016)
1 - Murderer's Row (2015)
1 - Oaxaca: Crafts of a Culture (2018)
1 - One Deck Dungeon (2016)
1 - Palm Island (2018)
1 - Pavlov's House (2018)
1 - Portraits (2003)
1 - Pulp Detective (2018)
1 - Roland Wright's Pencil Park (2017)
1 - San Juan (2004)
1 - SteamRollers (2015)
1 - Stranded No More (2014)
1 - Tavern Masters (2017)
1 - Temple of the Feathered Serpent (2011)
1 - Tetrarchia (2015)
1 - Tramways Engineer's Workbook (2018)
1 - WIP- Election Control: LE- entry for 2017 Solo PnP (Idea phase)
1 - WIP Solitaire PnP contest: Farming Dice
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.