"Really fun rescue game that is thematic in its tension building as you try to rescue survivors and manage fire. The extra board make the replayability extremely high. A favorite of mine." [SGOYT]
"Meeples!!! Broodmother is huge. The Spider, Ladybug, Mantis, Fungus are all topnotch and cool. Could notice no difference between the base game components and the expansion." [SGOYT]
"Top Notch components with fun, quirky gameplay. 10 Missions come packed in the game that produces hours and hours of fun programming silliness." [SGOYT]
"High quality components. Well written rulebook. Quick cooperative gameplay. Difficult puzzle. Interesting game. The theme is pasted on but the game is interesting regardless." [SGOYT]
"Pure euro. Interesting worker placement mechanic. Several scenarios. The rulebook is being rewritten and there are several aids in the files section. Solid game though." [SGOYT]
"Great little puzzle. Small footprint and very quick. Some interesting decisions and those crap I wish I would have drawn that tile last turn moments." [SGOYT]
"Dice chucking racing at its best. Challenges every month and a growing number of participants make it a must if you own the game. Guaranteed fun and a reason to get it to the table." [SGOYT]
"Small footprint- easy rule set and game play, lots of options and decisions to be made throughout the game. The multiple uses for each card is pretty nifty." [SGOYT]
"The solo game can have a run of bad or good luck based on the cards that are flipped. Mostly balanced but if the same faction flips over and over then that is either an easy win or brutal defeat." [SGOYT]
"iOs version is a truly excellent port that has the solo campaign integrated but if used to the physical game- seeing everything takes lots of scrolling and flipping pages." [SGOYT]
"Light and quick dice chucker with some good mechanics and some interesting choices. Fun filler and not a heavy thinker which is exactly as it was promoted to be. Nice little game." [SGOYT]
"My top game this year. It is such a challenging puzzle and very difficult to win and when you do you feel like you have accomplished something." [SGOYT]
"Quick game that I don't know if I would enjoy multiplayer- it is just so fast solo. The Atlantians add the technology tokens which add a really cool double your pleasure element." [SGOYT]
"Fun combos and interesting choices. Slow early game and late game has you doing so many things. Relatively quick but prone to AP. The expansions and new factions add some cool variety." [SGOYT]
"Great hand and resource management game with tons of variety in the cards to build an efficient engine. It is a race and the AI is simple and elegant. If you take four turns, it moves four spaces, i…" [SGOYT]
"Great game- excellent design and components. Trying to find the right balance of difficulty in the Tuscany EE as it makes the Base EE much easier." [SGOYT]
"Top Notch swingy press your luck solitaire game. Excited for the KS. I Still have abductor pack 2 3 and 4 to play but no hurries. I enjoy the ride." [SGOYT]
"Quick, light fun solitaire. Thematic and enjoyable to try and maximize points. Some luck involved in the shuffle but lots of ways to mitigate." [SGOYT]
"Friday is a staple for solo play and it is a great game. Level 4 is a true challenge and lives up to the hype. I don't play as much as I used to but it is always a great game." [SGOYT]
"The expansion is packed full of additions and radically changes the game. After one play feel it makes the solo game easier but need more sessions to determine for certain." [SGOYT]
"1st play solo. Struggled with the combat rules and all of the little tokens and remembering what to do but a very thematic experience as the end drew near. Fun game." [SGOYT]
"Just a blast to play with nice press your luck dice chucking and interesting decisions with the dirt expansion and double downshifting and water crossings. Pure Racing Fun." [SGOYT]
"One of the greatest solo games available. Oozes theme and is incredibly difficult but have learned to roll, roll and roll and have the adventures and keep morale high and determination tokens high a…" [SGOYT]
"Great game. Great components and very thoughtful design. The artwork is gorgeous and the automa is pretty painless. The movements are becoming more second nature which allows me to focus on my game …" [SGOYT]
"Gorgeous components and an intuitive rules introduction system- very video game like in its way of telling you what each thing does as you explore it. Only into the first scenario so solo longevity …" [SGOYT]
"Fantastic game. Extremely difficult. 4 handed is an absolute brain burner. Winning this though is such a thrill because you really know you accomplished something." [SGOYT]
"With an expansion coming out soon, I can't see this falling any time soon. Excellent, thematic and just the right level of in your face and strategy deck building." [SGOYT]
"My last years number 1 game and still a complete blast to play. The third scenario is the most violent so far in the mature rating of the game. Be warned." [SGOYT]
"Great two player game. The variant is a great way to get the game on the table solo. It is a solid challenge to beat the AI. It is a very simple AI to run which leaves some interesting decisions. Add…" [SGOYT]
"Really solid light game that screams solitaire. Very thematic as you try to save everyone before sinking. Love the book that shaows the gradual sinking of the ship as you scramble to get everyone on …" [SGOYT]
"IMO the best bang for the buck. Easily find-able for 10 and the game inside is solid. The multiple layouts make replayability a non issue. This is a must have in the Co-op genre." [SGOYT]
"Most played game of 2016 for me. I love this game in the physical format and also on the digital format. The mechanics are great and the gameplay is fast and smooth. I house rule you can look at the …" [SGOYT]
"Excellent Euro with the revolutionary Automa system. Can become easy to beat under normal rules. The aggressive variant is worth playing once the game feels too easy. Completely changes your approach…" [SGOYT]
"Extremely difficult solo real time game programming. It is hard to win even if you cheat and pause the time to give yourself time to think. Brutal brain burner. When the time ends you will take a mom…" [SGOYT]
"This was an inappropriate post of multiplayer games with fellow solo guildies that just so happened. There is a solo variant in the files section but did not want to affect Kevin's aggregator too ne…" [SGOYT]
"Upping the level to Hard Aggressive changes this game from a passive Euro to an in your face challenge. All who own this should give it a shot." [SGOYT]
"One of the best suspenseful cooperative deck builders on the market. A joy to play and with multiple movies to play and an expansion on the horizon. :thumbsup:" [SGOYT]