Participation Chart Since First Active (click to show/hide)
User Entries by Month
"play against your self solo wargame in the Age of Sail. The tactics are a really enjoyable mental exercise." [SGOYT]
"A new, gorgeous hand management game from Todd Sanders. Highly recommended!" [SGOYT]
"Attempting Legend 5 again and it's a tough nut to crack!" [SGOYT]
"My #1 game thanks to the brain burn, the vegimeeples and a theme that fits it all so well!" [SGOYT]
"A deckbuilder with a well implemented space theme-always willing to play this" [SGOYT]
davekuhns SGOYT Stats
# of Lists: 132
Unique Entries: 654
Actual Entries: 734
<summary> Entries: 6
# of Games: 244
Top Months
14 - September 2014
14 - October 2014
13 - November 2014
13 - June 2015
13 - July 2018
12 - February 2014
12 - April 2015
12 - May 2015
12 - August 2016
11 - November 2015
*** current month
Top Games
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.