Participation Chart Since First Active (click to show/hide)
User Entries by Month
"A wonderful puzzle game of arranging components to make potions. Quick to set up and play and lots of fun!" [SGOYT]
"A fantastically fun game that is a great mix of card/miniature game. The playtime, setup, and put away time is short enough that it makes it really fun and fast to play. Shooting up to my top 20 li…" [SGOYT]
"Its a lot of money, and a lot of game. In this case, it equals a lot of fun. I keep getting drawn back into and really enjoy all of the aspects of play so far. Plus, crafting!" [SGOYT]
"I had a blast. The game is fun and definitely evokes a story as you play. I look forward to trying again soon." [SGOYT]
crazybear SGOYT Stats
# of Lists: 31
Unique Entries: 82
Actual Entries: 97
<summary> Entries: 4
# of Games: 70
Top Months
Top Games
5 - The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game (2011) Thumbs Up!
3 - Myth (2014)
2 - Aeon Trespass: Odyssey (2022)
2 - Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
2 - League of Dungeoneers (2022)
2 - Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) Thumbs Up!
2 - Limes (2014) Thumbs Up!
2 - Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King (2015)
1 - All Things Zombie: The Boardgame (2009)
1 - Apex Theropod Deck-Building Game (2015)
1 - Arcadia Quest (2014)
1 - Arkham Horror (2005)
1 - Assault on Doomrock (2014)
1 - At the Gates of Loyang (2009) Thumbs Up!
1 - Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game (2008)
1 - Cavern Tavern (2016)
1 - Darkest Night (2012)
1 - Deck of Wonders (2020)
1 - Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) (2012)
1 - DungeonQuest (third edition) (2010)
1 - Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game (2011)
1 - A Feast for Odin (2016)
1 - Fleet: The Dice Game (2018)
1 - Friday (2011) Thumbs Up!
1 - Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game (2017)
1 - HEXplore It: The Forests of Adrimon (2019)
1 - Hostage Negotiator (2015) Thumbs Up!
1 - Imperial Settlers (2014)
1 - Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write (2019)
1 - Island Of D (2005)
1 - The Isle of Cats (2019) Thumbs Up!
1 - Kingdom Death: Monster (2015)
1 - La Granja (2014)
1 - The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth (2019) Thumbs Up!
1 - March of the Ants (2015)
1 - Marvel Champions: The Card Game (2019) Thumbs Up!
1 - Micro Space Empire (2011)
1 - Middara (2019)
1 - Millennium Blades (2016)
1 - Monster Lands (2018)
1 - Mythos (1996)
1 - New Bedford (2016)
1 - Nusfjord (2017)
1 - Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood (2022)
1 - Paper Tales (2017)
1 - Pepper & Carrot: The Potion Contest (2018)
1 - Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach (2016)
1 - Race for the Galaxy (2007) Thumbs Up!
1 - Rallyman (2009) Thumbs Up!
1 - Roll Player (2016)
1 - Root (2018)
1 - Runebound (Second Edition) (2005)
1 - Runebound (Third Edition) (2015)
1 - Russian Railroads (2013) Thumbs Up!
1 - Shadowrun: Crossfire (2014)
1 - Sleeping Gods (2021)
1 - Sprawlopolis (2018)
1 - Star Trek Deck Building Game: The Next Generation (2011)
1 - Star Wars: The Card Game (2012) Thumbs Up!
1 - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set (2015)
1 - Street Masters: Rise of the Kingdom (2018) Thumbs Up!
1 - Thunderstone Advance: Towers of Ruin (2012)
1 - Thunderstone: Dragonspire (2011)
1 - A Touch of Evil: The Supernatural Game (2008)
1 - Viticulture Essential Edition (2015) Thumbs Up!
1 - Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay (2019)
1 - Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015)
1 - Wingspan (2019) Thumbs Up!
1 - World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (2006)
1 - Zombicide: Black Plague (2015)
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.