"VISUAL ACCESSIBILITY SUMMARY: Not playable totally blind due to color dependence. Other difficulties exist, but overall this is accessible to a wide range of visually impaired and legally blind playe…" [SGOYT]
"A very enjoyable Tarot-based boss rush kind of game, with flavor provided by your Tarot deck. Very accessible if you find the right deck and marking system." [SGOYT]
"This is a great, light, “boss rush” kind of game that demonstrates the flexibility of the Tarot deck. Easy to learn, quick to set up and play. Slightly too easy to win, but also very easy to increase…" [SGOYT]
"Shockingly cute game that slightly outstays its welcome as a solo experience. Highly challenging visually despite its simplicity, requires color differentiation and ability to recognize color pattern…" [SGOYT]
"I’ve yet to get very deep into the game, but first impressions are very good. I will take off some points for having a very inaccessible rulebook, but if you can learn the rules this is a sweet deckb…" [SGOYT]
"ACCESSIBILITY NOTES: May be suitable for some low vision players, with minimal text, simple rules and easy setup. But at higher levels of visual impairment, that complete lack of high contrast text a…" [SGOYT]