Participation Chart Since First Active (click to show/hide)
User Entries by Month
"The game is basically a worker placement game with an incredible amount of exceptions and rulings that have been designed in order to improve realism. There is quite a lot of dice rolling for a worke…" [SGOYT]
"Small footprint adventure game with variability" [SGOYT]
"Quick, relaxing and small footprint Roll'n'Write game" [SGOYT]
"Great adventure dungeon delving for solo moments without too much rule overhead" [SGOYT]
"Quick Tile layout game with repeatability" [SGOYT]
"Nice and beautiful tableau builder on the light side" [SGOYT]
"Thinky engine builder with really nice illustrations and combos" [SGOYT]
"Nice dice drafting game that plays in about 45 minutes and only needs the right amount of reflection to remain relaxing." [SGOYT]
Brenoit SGOYT Stats
# of Lists: 43
Unique Entries: 204
Actual Entries: 245
<summary> Entries: 8
# of Games: 91
Top Months
Top Games
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.
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