"In any case you should bring a certain patience to the game. If [thing=295947]Cascadia[/thing]'s rules (great game!) tax your attention span, Earthborne Rangers might not be for you." [SGOYT]
"Fun game, overproduced like all those Awaken Realms games, just the way I like it. It took me three games to get comfortable enough with the rules to speed up gameplay, but that's on me." [SGOYT]
"Unsettled is actually the great game it's supposed to be. The rules just feel large, because they are done smartly and add great keyword index. They actually are very good to use to look up questions." [SGOYT]
"From a solo perspective I'd say it's more fulfilling to play two-handed than the solo version and I prefer to play Pax Viking with more players rather than by myself." [SGOYT]
"TAL makes for an excellent solo easy war game with some RPG elements. Less content than newer DVG games, which makes the expansions something to think about." [SGOYT]
"For me, with an affinity to Japanese history, Samurai Battles is the ideal version of Command and Colors. With 40 scenarios there is a lot to chew on - best with two players, of course. Soloability i…" [SGOYT]
"Thunderstone (2009) doesn't work well as a solo game, unless tweaked. There is a reason it took Thunderstone Advance to make it more popular." [SGOYT]
"C&C really has nice game pieces - the wooden block deliver a great haptic experience. The game itself feels a bit like an extension of chess (a few generations removed), which is not a bad thing. Sol…" [SGOYT]
"Even not being a Marvel fan this game is an excellent solo/coop game. Of course more cards are necessary and something like a campaign mode would be nice (incoming in the fall). For now the worst pro…" [SGOYT]
"Interesting air battle game that in its core is easy enough to learn - if only the rules and player aid cards would help you with that by somehow marking the rules/modifiers you don't need at start." [SGOYT]
"Intriguing game with a gritty Lovecraftian them, two steps up from Zombicide. Cannot imagine it plays well with more than three players, unless they have a great attention span." [SGOYT]
"Nice graphics for a war game a learning curve that can be handled (if you read the rules while really awake) and a Kickstarter that had sooo much excellent additional content. Works well two-handed p…" [SGOYT]
"Cartographers feels a bit like a fantasy Tetris and not being artistically inclined I tend to fudge on the cartography in favor of speed. Fun little diversion, although scoring is a little bit too mu…" [SGOYT]
"Welcome To... is a very nice quick diversion, even with the true solo rules. The German language rulebook is one of the worst I have seen in a while, though. Some sentences simply are not comprehensi…" [SGOYT]
"Conquest of Britain postponed. The game feels self-made, like all Hollandspiele games I have seen so far. Would much prefer the main game board to be mounted. The solo game itself seems intriguing, t…" [SGOYT]
"The Vassal version is a great supplement to the tabletop version of NFA. Even with a double monitor setup I like to keep the prined cards handy along with the manual. So many details..." [SGOYT]
"Maquis is a lot smaller than I thought, and plays very quickly while still asking you to think. After first play I'd recommend it - especially for the travelling solitaire gamer!" [SGOYT]
"When playing Dawn of the Zeds on the blue or green levels, the expansion kit #2 is essential in order to mix the event cards up a bit, keeping you guessing. Great game!" [SGOYT]
"Warfighter WW2 lacks the equipment choices you get for the modern era. You need to offset this with skills (which you don't get, if you begin a campaign) and a higher number of Squad Soldiers." [SGOYT]
"Aeon's End is a fantastic deckbuilder. The mechanics are simple enough to get back into the rules quickly, and I love the fact that you don't shuffle the deck - saves time as well as wear and tear on…" [SGOYT]
"Fun game, but it always feels as if I could rearrange the charts in a more streamlined way to make those uneventful mission run smoother and quicker." [SGOYT]
"Still consider Invader the best of the Zombicide breed. When it appears to get too easy, add some of the extra abominations and creeps to it or mix up your heroes." [SGOYT]
"Nightfighter Ace at this point is my favorite "QotS-like" game and the Vassal version minimizes the setup time to make a "quick 5 minute mission" game, rather than breaking out the box. Both are abso…" [SGOYT]
"Excellent solo game in the vein of the B-17 QotS/Target for Today types of games, but with many more decision points. Using cards instead of rolling on tables for combat makes it much more fluid." [SGOYT]
"The second expansion is a boon to the early stages of the game, making the game much less predictable on the Outbreak! level. After three games my rating of 10 still stands. This is an truly excellen…" [SGOYT]
"This is a great game, with beautiful cardboard components and a great way to ease players into the game. So far the best I have seen from VPG and replaces Zulus on the Ramparts as my favorite State o…" [SGOYT]
"Warfighter Pacific is a great solo game, but due to the many keywords and the slow slugging in the Pacific not for beginning players. Warfighter via TTS still is the best choice there." [SGOYT]
"Skies above the Reich is a beautiful and engaging solo war game. It is still a GMT game and not simple, despite the very user-friendly rules book." [SGOYT]
"4AD is light dungeondelving fun, but would profit from an index. Based on a d6 the encounter tables feel pretty limited after a while (the 2d6 ones are okay). A good traveling game?" [SGOYT]
"NATO Air Commander makes me appreciate GMT's great production values all the more. The game itself looks to be hard to win, but captures the theme very well. Looking forward to my next try." [SGOYT]
"About as perfect as it gets for taking along on a vacation or business trip to play in the hotel in the evening. Excellent components and just enough rules to give you a good half hour of game time." [SGOYT]
"Nightfighter ACE is a fun game that expand on the The Hunters submarine mechanics for air-to-air battles. You still have a lot of inbuilt random frustrations and for the price I would have expected o…" [SGOYT]
"Basic squads in LnL Tactical can't hit the door of a barn right in front of them, good leaders and support weapons are as essential, otherwise you have to bunch them up to support each other." [SGOYT]
"I like the idea of a "your own adventure comic book", but this one feels a bit too simple. I'll be back for a second try, but only after I have a look at some of the others." [SGOYT]
"Boomer is fun, but a bit too straight forward as a ranged damage dealer and lacking in defensive abilities to be a long-term option for solo play. Combined with a support character he likely is a goo…" [SGOYT]
"If you are in the mood for high complexity, don't play this one. But if you just want to experience an RPG-like story in your mind, with a hot brew by your side to slow down things for an hour or two…" [SGOYT]
"Gasket appears to be Mulmesh's natural nemesis. In any case it's a great addition to the game, not too hard to play and with great tools for solo play. Definitely recommended. #robocop" [SGOYT]
"You don't win TMB without having a strategy. It's a great solo game that will engage you with its choices and make you have to learn the right moves." [SGOYT]
"Even with only a bare-thread rules knowledge the game is very much fun. Now to play it properly and turn it into the challenge it is supposed to be..." [SGOYT]
"The key to this State of Siege game is building up a stable economy to give you enough actions and keep the Northern tribes at bay. A good game, if you literally don't mind to get your hands dirty." [SGOYT]
"Talon is not immediately as accessible as I'd like, but you can quickly get over that hump by just playing a little scenario. Then the potential for a brilliant game becomes evident." [SGOYT]
"Ganz schön clever lives up to its name and takes some sort of Yahtzee idee to the power of three. Something to enjoy for a quick solo game, but I can also see playing this with the entire family." [SGOYT]