Puerto Rico (2002)
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Game Entries by Month
"An uninteresting game that has never clicked with me, and the solo variant does nothing to create an enjoyable experience." [SGOYT]
"Fairly quick to play and small in needed table space, it misses a lot of marks by playing as a predictable puzzle with little enjoyment." [SGOYT]
"Predictable and extremely dry, it lacks any sort of theme and the solo variant is solvable after just a few plays." [SGOYT]
"Quick and easy to understand, it may lack the variability to have any long-term enjoyment." [SGOYT]
"Challenging with many victory paths to pursue, it plays rather quickly but is lacking a bit in theme." [SGOYT]
Puerto Rico (2002) SGOYT Stats
# of Lists: 9
Unique Entries: 9
Actual Entries: 10
<summary> Entries: 5
# of Users: 5
Average Rating as a Solo Game: 1.80
Number of Ratings: 1 ( details )
Top Months
Top Users
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.
