Tears of a Goddess (2015)
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Game Entries by Month
"Tears of a Goddess follows the adventure of a bounty hunty on the trail of a trio of thieves, complete with hidden numbers and several choices." [SGOYT]
"I like the idea of a "your own adventure comic book", but this one feels a bit too simple. I'll be back for a second try, but only after I have a look at some of the others." [SGOYT]
"As one travels through a city in this graphic novel adventure, mysteries unfold over the course of an enjoyable but limited sort of experience." [SGOYT]
"Solving various mysteries in this interesting graphic novel adventure allows one to choose a different specialty and follow various paths." [SGOYT]
"An interesting journey takes place over the course of a single day as one tries to solve mysteries and puzzles, all in a unique graphic novel format." [SGOYT]
"Guiding a hero through a series of dangerous situations, all while trying to solve a mystery, is very enjoyable with this graphic novel format." [SGOYT]
"Working through a unique mystery in this graphic novel adventure seems to provide many different options and paths to completion, with a possible optimal path to discover." [SGOYT]
"Tears of a Goddess is a great solitaire narrative based game." [SGOYT]
"Have you ever wanted to be a comic hero making your way through a story? You can with this game!" [SGOYT]
"Wonderful presentation with great artwork. This is also fun to play with RPG elements." [SGOYT]
Tears of a Goddess (2015) SGOYT Stats
# of Lists: 6
Unique Entries: 8
Actual Entries: 13
<summary> Entries: 10
# of Users: 6
Average Rating as a Solo Game: 3.50
Number of Ratings: 1 ( details )
Top Months
3 - July 2018
1 - September 2018
1 - October 2018
1 - April 2019
1 - March 2020
1 - September 2020
*** current month
Top Users
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.