Daedalus and his son Icarus are imprisoned on the edge of the sea. To escape, Daedalus is searching the labyrinth for feathers and wax to build wings for him and his son so that they can fly to safety.
Once Daedalus has collected his material, he builds two sets of wings. Then, he and his son leap from the tower and attempt to fly to safety. If they get too close to the sun, the wax melts, and some feathers are lost. If they get too close to the sea, some feathers get wet and weighed down and must be shed to keep flying.
If both Daedalus and Icarus can reach the safety of the far off island, they are victorious.
Feathers & Wax is a solo print & play game using a double sided letter size game board, a standard deck of playing cards and two tokens. This game is an entry in the 2016 Solitaire Print 'n Play contest.